Nothing really going on with testing these days. Internally, WG is still “on track”, the patch 9.5 is scheduled for late December, which means that the common 9.5 will start somewhere around early december and the supertest should start in late November. It’s all very, very tight.
– Q: “WTF devs I live in Volgograd (Stalingrad) why did you not put the house I live in on the map and deleted it to make room for one of the bases?” A (SerB): *sobbing*
问:“开发团队我艹你们大爷,我住在伏尔加格勒(斯大林格勒),你们为什么不把我住的地方放在地图里头,而是把那个地方删了做成了基地?”答(SerB):*哭哭* 继续阅读