与Vyacheslav Ushakov的QA


Hello everyone,

Russian streamer Arti25 made a stream with WG employee Vyacheslav Ushakov, whom you might known as a “solid developer” (not sure it was transated to English like that, the chubby guy), who in reality works in video department of Wargaming. He also provided some interesting answers, as summarized by the FTA VK community:
毛子的生放送主Arti25和WG的一名雇员,Vyacheslav Ushakov进行了一次直播,各位也许知道,他是个“可靠的开发团队成员”(不知道翻译成英文是不是这样,就是之前ASAP视频中那个胖乎乎的家伙),在现实生活中他是在WG的视频部门干活的。他提供了一些很有意思的回答,由FTA VK社群提供的总结稿: 继续阅读

【Developer Q&A 】2015/01/12


Again, not much today.

Good news for those who are interested in Armored Warfare. Since Jingles already went out with it: first alpha test (extremely limited for only a few hundred invited people, Jingles calls it “technical beta”) starts on 22.1.2015 and yes, there will be a video, by Jingles anyway and possibly some stuff by me. Should be interesting.
对于那些对AW(Armored Warfare,装甲战争)感兴趣的人来说有个好消息。鉴于Jingles已经说了:第一次Alpha测试(规模很小,只邀请了几百人,Jingles管它叫“技术性Beta”)会在2015年1月22日开始,没错,到时候Jingles会有视频,我也有可能会写点什么,应该会很有意思。  继续阅读

【Developer Q&A 】2015/01/11


– there are no plans to make an “ASAP 2015″ video (SS: video that would show things coming in 2015)
没有要做“ASAP 2015视频”的计划(SS:一个向大家展示2015会干些什么的视频)

– there will be new content in 2015 however 🙂
2015会有新内容:) 继续阅读

【Developer Q&A 】2015/01/10


Again, not much today. Storm has finished reading the feedback under his post about how much “action” there is in World of Tanks. The feedback was very diverse and generally inconclusive.

– if a developer shoots his own team, he will be punished the same way a regular player would be (SS: this is connected to two replays that came up recently – in one, Evilly (WG producer) in platoon gets teamkilled and his platoon mates go on a rampage against their own team and both get banned. Second was a some WG employee StoneMind shooting his own team)
如果开发团队的人对自己人开火的话,他会和普通玩家一样受到惩罚(SS:这个和最近出现的两个录像有关系—其中一个是Evilly(WG的出品人)在组队时候被TK了,然后跟他组队的人开始暴走然后杀自己人,俩人全被Ban了。第二个是某个WG的雇员,StoneMind在向自己人开火) 继续阅读

【Developer Q&A 】2015/01/08


Nothing really interesting today, just posting this so nobody waits for the translations or anything. Orthodox Christmas and all that – hopefully peaceful enough 🙂 But, if you are interested, you can read about the incident where RAF Tempests got into a fight with Israeli Air Force by Listy.

Or you can read a story of a poor plumber guy, whose truck ended up in ISIS hands.
或者大家可以看看这个修水管的可怜家伙,他的车最后落到了ISIS的手里。  继续阅读

【Developer Q&A 】2015/01/07


Not much today. Storm is asking for feedback on the issue of how dynamic and fun the game is. It’s sort of hard to translate, because Russian has a term for it (BTR – bodroye tankovoye rubilovo), but you get what I mean, right?
今天没啥。Storm正在询问关于游戏的动态性以及游戏的娱乐性如何的问题。要翻译起来还是挺难的,因为毛子有个专门的词汇(BTR—bodroye tankovoye rubilovo),但是各位都知道我是啥意思吧?

– a player proposed that hitting “weird” places (like rangefinder, the E-100 roof, hatches etc.) should not cause damage to tanks, Storm states that this is a bad idea, as it would only cause more gold ammo to be used, which is not something WG wants
有玩家提议说击中那些“奇怪的”地方(栗如测距器,E-100的天花板,各种舱盖口等等)不应该对坦克本身造成伤害,Storm表示说这想法其实不好,因为这只会导致大家用更多的金币弹,而这是WG不想看到的 继续阅读