【WOWS Q&A】2016/05/08


Thanks to Carnotzet!

1. You said before you would give Atago her historical AA configuration(without giving a specific timeline). In the latest patch, nothing was done in that regard, and Atago is still equipped with non-historical 25mm Type 96 AA guns. Could you please explain why is it so difficult to give her the proper guns? You already modeled triple and double batteries a long time ago, so where lies the problem in swapping some single gun batteries with double and triple ones? It would take about 20 minutes. Moreover, it wouldn’t make Atago‘s AA defense much more powerful. In addition, when will we see Atago with her historical model (original camouflage, radar type 22, original floatplane, original bridge and superstructure)?
1. 你们之前说过要把爱宕的史实AA配置还给她(但是没说到底是什么时候的史实配置)。在最新一次补丁中,我也没有看到相关的改动,而且爱宕现在还是装配着非史实的九六式25毫米高射机炮。你们解释一下到底给她史实防空配置有什么难的?你们早就建模好了双联和三联的机枪,那你说说把这个单发机炮换成其他双联机炮到底有什么做不了的?20分钟我看就差不多了吧,而且这么改也不会让爱宕的AA强到哪里去啊。顺便再一问,我们什么时候才能看到史实配置的爱宕(原来的迷彩,22型对水上电探,原版的水上机,原来的舰桥和上层建筑?) 继续阅读

【Developer Q&A】2016/05/02



just finished translating a Q&A from Anton Pankov together with Ctacello, this information was gathered from multiple Russian sources:
Ctacello一起翻译了一份Anton Pankov的QA,以下内容是从多个毛服来源处收集的:

-We are thinking about the possibility to give temporary rentals to all premium vehicles.

-There are a lot of questions about the Czech branch. There are two options at the moment: a complete rebalance of the branch with buffs to all vehicles up to tier 8 along with tier 9-10 rebalance. Or waiting with the rebalance to the new “tank role” model global overhaul.
现在捷克线有很多问题。当下有两条方案,对整条线都进行重平衡,8级及以下的车辆全面Buff,9~10级重平衡以下。或者是等到新的“坦克职责”那次重制的时候再一起搞。 继续阅读

【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/30


Thanks to Carnotzet and Babykim.

1. Since the nerf to 25mm AA guns, IJN BB’s have a hard time shooting down planes. Is there a chance you will change this situation?
1. 鉴于25mm的AA炮被砍,现在IJN的BB想打飞机其实是很难的。你们会有计划要做些什么吗?
