【WOWS Q&A】2016/05/05


Thanks to Carnotzet and his amazing translating skills.

1. In patch 0.5.5., several ships were changed, in particular a few torpedoes. The thing is that on some DD’s I don’t need Torpedo Acceleration, and on others, I do.
1. 在0.5.5中有很多船被改动了,详细来说其实是很多鱼雷被改了。现在问题是在部分DD上我不需要点鱼雷加速,其他DD就需要。

Thus, I need to spend doubloons to respec my captains! Why weren’t the changes tied up with a free captain respec?

A. The skill is working as intended and in this case, we didn’t believe a free respec was needed. On the other hand, it will likely come in patch 0.5.6., in addition to other changes. We don’t need to give free captain respec with every change we make to ships characteristics or captain skills. We consider each case separately and make a decision based on that.

2. When will tier 9 ships be added to team battles?
2. 组队战会有9级船吗?

A. We currently think it’s not worth it. We changed our plans.

3. Did you change something regarding shell accuracy and penetration? It seems I can’t get as many citadels as before.
3. 你们有对炮弹的精准和穿深做出什么改动吗?我好像打不出以前那么多的装甲区了

A. We haven’t changed anything regarding shell ballistics.

4. Is it normal that on the pre-battle screen, premium ship names are written in white, just like standard ships (no more in gold)?
4. 在战斗前的载入画面中,金币船的名字也和银币船一样是白色的了(不再是金色的),这啥情况啊?

A. Yes, that’s how it was intended to be.


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