【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/24 -附带2个视频

自从19号之后,就没了消息, Serb出差法国后直接去了米国考察xbox情况, 而Storm呢在度假,,

这之前,发个官方最新一期的ASAP的高清视频好了, 由翻译组的海外人士-生活如此傲娇提供,特此感谢:(请点击观看:)
WOT 0.8.7 全面介绍, 录像介绍请点我┏ (゜ω゜)=☞

Not much new in there apart from the 8.8 info:

– description of the British arties 描述女王炸逼线

– no HESH shells for British arties 女王炸逼线木有 HESH蛋


No T57/Foch155/Object268 nerf planned

Hello everyone,

on several places of RU forums an information appeared today that the T57, Foch 155 and Object 268 will get a massive nerf soon (0.8.8), including a list of alleged changes, “leaked from supertest”.

Storm (who is atm on vacation) and another moderator on RU forums however confirmedit’s a fake. No such nerf is planned.

8.7 British artillery review

来源: [http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/10/8-7-british-artillery-review/]

Hello everyone!

For past 2-3 days, Wot-news.com was running a review thread of the new artillery. I decided to translate some of it (well, not literally, I will add some comments) in hope it will bring the prospective arty players (who should should be summarily sacrificed to Khorne would like to try the British arties) some info to decide, what’s what.

Author (tester): Madspider

British arty review

As everyone knows by know, patch 8.7 will bring the British artillery. It’s a whole new branch, that looks basically like this:


First Public Test of Update 8.7- 0.8.7一测开启

First Public Test of Update 8.7


The public test server is now open.

Storm confirmed that 112 has been removed from this patch, because it needs rebalancing (it was OP)

Superpershing is NOT to be sold for gold in 8.7 apparently

Patch notes

New British SPG line:
  • Tier II – Loyd Gun Carriage
  • Tier III – Birch Gun
  • Tier IV – Sexton II
  • Tier V – Bishop
  • Tier VI – Crusader 5.5-in. SP
  • Tier VII – FV304
  • Tier VIII – FV207
  • Tier IX – FV3805
  • Tier X – Conqueror Gun Carriage
