【Developer Q&A 】2013/7/24 -附带2个视频

自从19号之后,就没了消息, Serb出差法国后直接去了米国考察xbox情况, 而Storm呢在度假,,

这之前,发个官方最新一期的ASAP的高清视频好了, 由翻译组的海外人士-生活如此傲娇提供,特此感谢:(请点击观看:)
WOT 0.8.7 全面介绍, 录像介绍请点我┏ (゜ω゜)=☞

Not much new in there apart from the 8.8 info:

– description of the British arties 描述女王炸逼线

– no HESH shells for British arties 女王炸逼线木有 HESH蛋

– T-50-2/MT-25 switch (nothing new) T-50-2被MT-25替换的细节

– more such replacements might come in the future, but not anytime soon

– E-25 will come in 8.7, 112 won’t (needs more balance)
E-25在0.8.7中到来,  112基于平衡的原因, 目前还不会有

– Belogorsk renamed to Severogorsk, mixed map with some “town” terrain
– Belogorsk tactics (nicely described by the way)
新地图Belogorsk被重命名为Severogorsk, 城镇要素的混合图,还有相关战术介绍

8.8: new medium Soviet branch confirmed, it consists of 5 tanks, Object 430 is tier 10
0.8.8的新毛系中坦线确认:一共有5个, 而OBJ430会是10级!!!!
空中网430介绍专题点我┏ (゜ω゜)=☞


This Q&A is a bit unusual. As you probably know, SerB’s in Paris (hence the Hitler video) and Storm’s on vacation, so I’m going to translate some of the stuff, posted by a “developer” (in reality, a chief of community) Evilly in this thread – it’s about clanwars. I am not sure how much of it applies for EU/US servers, but I’ll try to translate to the best of my knowledge.
这次滴忽悠很不一般。你要知道,SerB跑去巴黎了,Storm去度假了,所以我要来翻译一些由某个“开发者”(其实是社区管理员)发的东西 ,这人是Evilly。是关于领土战的。我不确定这些内容是否对除了毛服以外的服务器生效,不过我会尽我所能的翻译。 

Please note that as I have never played clanwars and I have very little understanding of its mechanics, the translation might be of worse quality than usual. Feel free to correct me.

– new season starts in October
– apparently there are no plans to reward CW players with vehicles with crew that has perks/skills

– there will be other ways for clans to compete with each other apart from clanwars

– for second campaign, you will also need tier 1 + T2-T10 vehicles, so don’t sell them (“The same vehicles you currently need for various company tiers”)

– in campaign, if you get accidentally removed from a clan after playing some battles and then you are accepted back, when it comes to reward battle requirement, those battles (before you were kicked) do count, the countner doesn’t reset

– as the second campaign reward there will be a choice between either the M60, or the other reward tanks (Failowe, Object 907) (SS: here I am not sure, whether it will be players choosing, or WG)

source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/07/23/8-7-trailer/

It says:

At the beginning of the 20th century, Britain, the Empire over which the sun never sets, started to develop self-propelled artillery.

1923 – general Noel Birch prepares a revolutionary project on Vickers tank chassis.
1923年, 诺尔·桦木将军准备了一份基于维克斯底盘的颠覆性的计划。

War – Bishop, Sexton and Sexton II contribute to the victory of British armies in Africa.
战争到来了。 主教,萨克斯通以及萨克斯通II为英国在非洲的胜利做出了卓越的贡献。

1946 – engineers develop new vehicles – they are to become the main destructive forces of British armies. Patch 8.7 for World of Tanks – new branch. Roll out!


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