

0.8.10 在去年12。27日上线也快1个月了,我们来收集下关于下个版本0。8。11的相关零散的资讯吧:

– next patch will not be 9.0, but 8.11 – it will contain UI features, such as disabling the chat


First Public Test of Update 8.10

The public test server is now open.

Update 8.10 is coming, and it’s time to test the changes!  The World of Tanks development team needs to conduct a thorough test and they want you to take part.

The development team want to make the game as good as possible and getting your feedback is a big part of that.  Taking part in the public test is your chance to let us know your thoughts and suggestions on forthcoming updates.  This means we can review your feedback and make any further changes before the update goes live.

All World of Tanks players are eligible to take part in the public test as long as they registered before 1st December 2013.  You don’t need to be an experienced tester to join in; you just need to be willing to try out as many of the new features as you can and send us your feedback!


WoT 9.0: an early look – 0.9.0前瞻

来源: http://www.worldoftanks-wot.com/updates/wot-9-0/

It has been mentioned multiple times by the developers that WoT 9.0 will be released at the end of this year, around New Year, but no official release date has been set as it normally isn’t until the last moment. This will probably change as the current release date of 8.10 is just too close to make this release date real The 0.9.0 version is going to be a big one, bringing Havok phisycs and multi-core support to WoT, but only for Havok running on a separate core at this point. WarGaming is also working on bigger teams (up to 30 on 30) and bigger maps, where the bigger maps could come in 9.0, but nothing has been confirmed though, as this is still much a work in progress, with a high probability of a version 8.10 coming before (24.10 Q&A FTR) . The information is conflicting right now to say the least, as the developers aren’t consistent at all when talking about version 9.0. Sometimes they refer to it as the next patch, sometimes they mention another update coming before that.

不过可以知道的是,0.9.0将是个很大改动的版本,新的Havok本地物理引擎(手游上的ModenCombat系列这样的),CPU多核支持等. 不过Havok只运行在单独的一个CPU内核上.wg还在尝试30人对30人作战的模式(之前的提到过的大地图,增加炮的散布变相提高精度etc…),不过现在说这些都还尚早.毕竟木有确凿信息,只知道wg还在努力…..不过这些都是0.8.10之后的高优先事项.通过QA和一些零散的信息,他们之间看着挺矛盾的,至少可以说dev在计划搞这些东西,不过是下个版本还是,下下个版本就不得而知了/.233

M48 Errata – M48勘误

Just a quick update: today, I wrote in the Q&A session that M48 might get a buff. I was wrong, I misread one of the questions/answers. At this moment, no M48 buff is planned.

Sorry for that.

SS说: 早前的Q&A里说M48 可能会buff. 结果他错了, 目前木有任何buff M48的计划. 不好意思咯!!!