Storm posts on 8.8 (test 2)


For 8.8

– Superpershing: the strip of improved upper hull armor was made two times wider (in accordance with the visual model)
– 超级潘兴:车体首上的第二层装甲带加宽了两倍(与外观模型一致)

– E-75 bad and medium terrain passability was significantly improved
– E-75 在 软地 和 中地 上的履带适应性明显提高

– the ammo sliders were returned to the way they were before for now, the new variant will be implemented later with other fixes (most likely with the possibility to lock the respective types of shells)
– 弹药调整滑动条暂时变回了之前的样子,以后新的式样将会连同其他的改动一起加入(很可能会有锁定某种炮弹的功能)

– there will be a surprise concerning the global rating, a special article on that will be prepared
– 将会有一个有关整体效率值的惊喜,将准备一篇文章特别说明这个

– the British blue stripe camo will return to the way it was before
– 英国的蓝色条纹涂装将会变成他原来的样子


Confirmed: free VK3002M for VK3001H owners


Murazor is well known and popular Russian blogger with very good info access. In his latest video, he confirmed, what you might have read earlier here:

If you have VK3001H in garage the moment 8.8 goes live, you will get your VK3001H tier 5 heavy tank with your original crew and you will get for free a VK3002M tier 6 medium tank with a free garage slot and a 100 percent crew.
概要肉翻: 如果8.8上线前,你车库有 VK3001H的话, 你将会在8.8上线后, 得到带着旧vk3001h车组的新5级重坦 VK3001H, 以及免费得到新的带着100%熟练度的6级 中坦 VK3002M

Which one is better, Object 140 or T-62A?


Hello everyone,

as some of you know, I am not exactly fond of Soviet tanks (I levelled up the T-54, but that’s about it), so I can’t really evaluate the Object 140′s performance, compared to the T-62. That’s why I am taking Edrard’sassessment and translating it to English. Edrard is the owner of wot-news and generally a good player, so I think his opinion counts in this. First, let’s have a look at Object 140′s armor and size, compared to the T-62A:



8.8 E-100 model change


A lot of people asked what the 8.8 model change of the E-100 is. Well, here’s a comparison, courtesy of Orkel

– the hull becomes a bit longer
– tracks are slightly moved (up and forward)

Minor changes that make no real difference, including
-tracks moved forward, protecting the LFP/side armor weak spot a bit better
-very slightly lower
-upper section of UFP is better angled now (?)

In the end, still no real difference, should play as usual.

StuG E-75 – possible tier 10 German TD?


Hello everyone,

today, we’ll have a look at one of the more controversial, yet also more interesting designs the Germans produced. Please note that Zarax is the author and the overseer of the project, while the drawings and calculations have been made by Silentstalker.


So, what IS the StuG E-75 – is it even historical?


T-34-3 and 112 now available on 8.8 test server

Hello everyone,

as many of you (judging from the queues) probably noticed, both the 112 and the T-34-3 are available on the test server now. The developers used a strange way to add them: since they weren’t added to the test shop, they added them as special mission reward:
想必你们之中很多人已经注意到了(通过战斗中车辆列表判断),测试服上的 112 和 T-34-3 都开放可用了。开发小组用了个另类的方式将他们加入游戏:这两辆车并没有加入到游戏商城中,而是放到了特殊任务奖励中:
