Confirmed: free VK3002M for VK3001H owners


Murazor is well known and popular Russian blogger with very good info access. In his latest video, he confirmed, what you might have read earlier here:

If you have VK3001H in garage the moment 8.8 goes live, you will get your VK3001H tier 5 heavy tank with your original crew and you will get for free a VK3002M tier 6 medium tank with a free garage slot and a 100 percent crew.
概要肉翻: 如果8.8上线前,你车库有 VK3001H的话, 你将会在8.8上线后, 得到带着旧vk3001h车组的新5级重坦 VK3001H, 以及免费得到新的带着100%熟练度的6级 中坦 VK3002M

Confirmed: free VK3002M for VK3001H owners》上有1个想法


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