Confirmed: free VK3002M for VK3001H owners


Murazor is well known and popular Russian blogger with very good info access. In his latest video, he confirmed, what you might have read earlier here:

If you have VK3001H in garage the moment 8.8 goes live, you will get your VK3001H tier 5 heavy tank with your original crew and you will get for free a VK3002M tier 6 medium tank with a free garage slot and a 100 percent crew.
概要肉翻: 如果8.8上线前,你车库有 VK3001H的话, 你将会在8.8上线后, 得到带着旧vk3001h车组的新5级重坦 VK3001H, 以及免费得到新的带着100%熟练度的6级 中坦 VK3002M

Which one is better, Object 140 or T-62A?


Hello everyone,

as some of you know, I am not exactly fond of Soviet tanks (I levelled up the T-54, but that’s about it), so I can’t really evaluate the Object 140′s performance, compared to the T-62. That’s why I am taking Edrard’sassessment and translating it to English. Edrard is the owner of wot-news and generally a good player, so I think his opinion counts in this. First, let’s have a look at Object 140′s armor and size, compared to the T-62A:



8.8 E-100 model change


A lot of people asked what the 8.8 model change of the E-100 is. Well, here’s a comparison, courtesy of Orkel

– the hull becomes a bit longer
– tracks are slightly moved (up and forward)

Minor changes that make no real difference, including
-tracks moved forward, protecting the LFP/side armor weak spot a bit better
-very slightly lower
-upper section of UFP is better angled now (?)

In the end, still no real difference, should play as usual.

T-34-3 and 112 now available on 8.8 test server

Hello everyone,

as many of you (judging from the queues) probably noticed, both the 112 and the T-34-3 are available on the test server now. The developers used a strange way to add them: since they weren’t added to the test shop, they added them as special mission reward:
想必你们之中很多人已经注意到了(通过战斗中车辆列表判断),测试服上的 112 和 T-34-3 都开放可用了。开发小组用了个另类的方式将他们加入游戏:这两辆车并没有加入到游戏商城中,而是放到了特殊任务奖励中:


8.8 Tiger II loses weakspot


So, you think the Königstiger got nerfed? Check this out, another info from Orkel.

Basically, the commander’s copula was removed as an easily penetrabe weakspot. Earlier:



【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/25


– it looks like no matter what happens with the KV-1S 122mm gun, the 100mm S-34 will be added either way
– 好像无论 KV-1S 的 122mm 炮如何变动,100mm S-34 都会加入

– the reason for KV-1S balance is that it stands out in the statistics. Not terribly, but it does. So in any case it is necessery to somehow nerf the 122mm KV-1S, but what exactly is still being discussed
– 平衡 KV-1S 的原因是它的战绩太突出了。尽管不是特别严重,但它的确是过强了。所以无论怎样,122mm KV-1S 必须要某种程度上的削弱才行,但是具体如何实施还在讨论中

– the German unhistorical engines removal was the balance team’s idea, not SerB’s.
– 移除德系不符合历史的发动机,这个主意是平衡小组想的,不是Serb

– Q: “Why remove unhistorical German engines when most of the players don’t care about their historicity anyway, but it did cost a lot of XP to level them up and it causes distrust between players and WG?” A: “We don’t care about distrust, conspiracy theorists would make up a conspiracy theory anyway”
– Q:“绝大部分玩家并不在乎那些德系被移除的发动机是否符合历史,既然如此为何还要这么做,我们可是花了一大堆经验去研发它们的,你们不怕这么做会造成玩家和WG之间互相不信任吗?”A:”我们不在乎猜疑,阴谋论者总有办法编出阴谋论”

8.8 VK3601H and Tiger mantlet changes —— 8.8 VK3601H和虎式炮盾变动


Thanks to Orkel for this!

VK3601H 88mm gun mantlet got thicker in 8.8. This is how it looks:
VK3601H 88mm炮 的炮盾比8.8更厚了。这是它的样子:

In 8.7, it was 40-80-100, in 8.8 it is 50-100-135. Be advised that the Konisch uses a different mantlet, that is 100mm all across the space.