【Developer Q&A 】2013/08/25

Source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/25/25-8-2013/

– it looks like no matter what happens with the KV-1S 122mm gun, the 100mm S-34 will be added either way
– 好像无论 KV-1S 的 122mm 炮如何变动,100mm S-34 都会加入

– the reason for KV-1S balance is that it stands out in the statistics. Not terribly, but it does. So in any case it is necessery to somehow nerf the 122mm KV-1S, but what exactly is still being discussed
– 平衡 KV-1S 的原因是它的战绩太突出了。尽管不是特别严重,但它的确是过强了。所以无论怎样,122mm KV-1S 必须要某种程度上的削弱才行,但是具体如何实施还在讨论中

– the German unhistorical engines removal was the balance team’s idea, not SerB’s.
– 移除德系不符合历史的发动机,这个主意是平衡小组想的,不是Serb

– Q: “Why remove unhistorical German engines when most of the players don’t care about their historicity anyway, but it did cost a lot of XP to level them up and it causes distrust between players and WG?” A: “We don’t care about distrust, conspiracy theorists would make up a conspiracy theory anyway”
– Q:“绝大部分玩家并不在乎那些德系被移除的发动机是否符合历史,既然如此为何还要这么做,我们可是花了一大堆经验去研发它们的,你们不怕这么做会造成玩家和WG之间互相不信任吗?”A:”我们不在乎猜疑,阴谋论者总有办法编出阴谋论”

– gold shells use has not increased compared to before, according to developers, the gold ammo for credits was a good thing to do
– 金币弹的用量相比之前并没有增加,按照开发小组的说法,开放银币买金币弹是个挺好的事。

– no skill MM will ever appear: “If you get more skilled, you will have the right to pwn”
– 永远不会出现按水平分房:“如果你有技术,你就有权利去虐人”

– SerB wants to remove the new sliders from the test, he already wrote Storm about it
– SerB从测试时就想移除新的滑动条(调节单个蛋种时不受总载蛋量限制, 自由拉伸另外的蛋种相应变化),他已经把想法写给Storm了

– will the Object 140 have better accuracy on the move because of the improved suspension? “Tests will show”
– 140工程有更好的移动射击精度是因为它有更好的悬挂装置么?“测试了就知道”

– officially there will not be an option to actually select, which national voiceover goes to which tank, but the modmakers will do something like that SerB says
– 官方不会给你为某辆车制定用某个国家的语音的选项,但是mod作者总会做的,SerB如是说

– SerB on constant WoT rebalance: “There is stability only in grave – in the sense that there is not one “live” MMO without constant rebalance”
– SerB 对于不断改动WoT平衡的观点:“只有坟墓里的东西才是一成不变的 – 换句话说,“活着”的网游都是不断地在改进平衡”

– the GW E tracks are too heavy (40 tons, 30 tons for other E-100 vehicles), these 10 tons will be moved from the trucks to the hull, it has no influence on gameplay, so it has very low priority
– GW E 的悬挂太重了(40 吨,其他的 E-100 底盘的车都是 30 吨),这 10 吨的重量应该由悬挂转移到车体上,不过这并不影响游戏,所以优先级非常低

– whilem the T-44-85 will carry the S-54 gun, its ballistic properties are allegedly the same as the ones of S-53, eg. 120 pen. It’s possible that the T-44-85 will recieve special shells to improve the penetration
-T-44-85将会得到一门 S-54 炮,它的弹道据说和 S-53 一样,例如:都是120穿深。有可能T-44-85会得到特殊的炮弹来提高穿深

– maps Moscow, Stalingrad, Minsk and Kharkov (city maps) are being developed for random battles too
– 地图 莫斯科,斯大林格勒,明斯克和哈尔科夫(城市图)正在制作,并且将会添加到随机战斗中

– national voiceover subtitles in other language are not planned
– 没有计划添加其他语言的语音字幕


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