WOWS: Gamescom 2016 QA


All questions have been answered by Philip Molodkovets: supertest manager from Saint Petersburg, Russia. If you want to fill your boots with more World of Warships intel then make sure to check out an interview with Global Publishing Producer of World of Warships, Artur Plociennik, that’s taking place at gamescom!
所有的问题都是由俄罗斯圣彼得堡的超测服经理,Philip Molodkovets回答的。如果你想要获得更多的WOWS的信息的话,请关注WOWS的全球出品人Artur Plociennik的在Gamescom的QA。


WOT超测服QA+GGamescom QA整合



1. Testing of the Swedish Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 is being conducted. The current testing phase is intended to try out a variant with a 3-shot drum magazine. The testing results will decide the final configuration of this tier 6 machine.
1. 针对瑞典那辆6级的Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2的测试正在进行中。当前的测试是为了测试一个弹夹炮(弹夹内有3发炮弹的)版本。测试的结果会决定这辆6级车最后会以什么面目示人。

2. Testing of 2 maps with the names slope and slope_01 is being conducted. The city location was improved to simplify orientation during combat. Also, different kinds of lightning will be tested. The goal is to test the comfort of night lighting in comparison to standard daytime light.
2. 现在正在测试两张新的地图,分别叫做slope和slope_01。 城区的位置为了简化战斗时的方向而做出了调整。并且他们还在测试新的光源系统。他们的目标是测试与标准的日间光源相比,夜间光照的舒适度。


【WOWS Q&A】2016/08/13


Thanks to Carnotzet.

Quite uninteresting Q&A today. Really, only one question I thought was worth translating.

1. How will the tanking functionality work? With shells and torpedoes?
1. 抗伤害这机制是怎么回事?怎么算抗炮弹和鱼雷的?

A. Currently, the mechanic is as follows : your ship has a “virtual” circle of 700 meters (test value) around it. Every shell and bomb that fall in this circle, and every torpedo that run through it are calculated in the tanking statistic. Your ship does not need to be visible or locked by an enemy for “tanking” to register since, after all, blind firing exists.

If objective motives arise and compel us to redo this mechanic, we will. So far, taking into account the data we have collected for two versions, it looks good.