Upcoming tier 5 German TD – Sfl.IVc

Hello everyone,

you might have seen the earlier supertest leak regarding the upcoming tier 5 tank destroyer, the Sfl.IVc. In game it will look like this.


Does it look retarded to you? Of course it does. There’s no point in creating such a huge box and putting a cannon in front. Huge silhouette would guarantee discovery. So, how come Germans built such a vehicle?


STB-1, Japanese tier 10 medium tank

来源: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/31/stb-1-japanese-tier-10-medium-tank/

Author: Soukoudragon, Daigensui

Hello everyone, today we have another article from Soukoudragon, (revised by Daigensui) this time about (sort of confirmed) Japanese tier 10 tank. Enjoy!


After the culmination of many tested core components, the STB-1 was completed in 1969. The STB-1 was the first of two development phases in the development of the Type 74. Despite its technical and rather unimposing name, the first phase was an ambitious and successful creation while the second phase was largely about taking a katana to the cost of the tank while improving endurance and reliability. The STB-1 is indeed an imposing tank and would be a very competitive tier 10 tank in World of Tanks.


M48 Errata – M48勘误

Just a quick update: today, I wrote in the Q&A session that M48 might get a buff. I was wrong, I misread one of the questions/answers. At this moment, no M48 buff is planned.

Sorry for that.

SS说: 早前的Q&A里说M48 可能会buff. 结果他错了, 目前木有任何buff M48的计划. 不好意思咯!!!

8.8 test 2 changes (compared to test 1)

source: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2013/08/29/8-8-test-2-changes-compared-to-test-1/

Since the EU and US portal updates lack this, here’s the list (some things I am not sure what they mean)

– fixed numerous bugs and fixed the lagging (crashing) of the new Service Record window
– 修复了许多bug并且修复了个人战绩界面延迟(崩溃)的问题

– fixed numerous bugs in the Missions window
– 修复了任务界面的许多bug

– fixed the performance drop in the Missions window
– 修复了任务界面电脑性能下降的问题

– fixed some bugs in the Special battles window
– 修复了特殊战役界面(领土战/竞技场)的一些bug

– fixed some bugs in the Company battles window
– 修复了联队界面的一些bug
