Source: VK Wotleaks community
Well, it was bound to happen eventually. Three screenies (one is from gameplay) were leaked on RU server. That battle UI looks interesting, but to be honest, what I really wonder is the water render – we all know how bad the water looks in WoT. I hope that WoWs will have something better than a flatboard reflecting the sky (the way it looks in the hangar).
呃,该来的总是要来的。毛服那边泄露了三张截图(有一张是战斗内的) 。战斗的UI看起来很有意思,但是说实话吧,我真正担心的是水面渲染—大家都知道WOT里面的水面效果多差。我希望战舰世界的水面效果能做的比WOT那种找个板子反射天空景象的水面要好(船坞是这样的)
Sure, you might argue this is still alpha, but within a week or so, there will be a first demo playable at Gamescom, so the logic would suggest that the visuals would be given priority, but… *shrugs* We’ll just have to see. The UI looks simple enough.
By the way, alpha testing on most servers is open for application, not that I would in any way suggest you to apply to leak stuff… 🙂
顺便一说,大部分服务器的A测现在都开放申请了,但是我个人是不推荐去申请然后开始使劲爆料的……o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ