转自NGA论坛: [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6347669]
转帖作者: njhnjhccg 13447872
Basically what this article says: Storm states that on RU7 server (based in Amsterdam), there is a new MM version implemented, that fixes the issues of the 8.6 patch. Storm states that it’s looking good, it has been tested internally and no problems were found.
Storm states that the new MM specifically focuses on:
– top 5 vehicles of each team should be of the same tier now. If the timeout (waiting time) reaches 1 minute, this rule is reduced to top 3 tanks
– the scout balance (“both sides have the same amount of scouts” rule), that was disabled previously, should also work now.
– 每队前5辆车的等级将会相同,如果等待时间超过1分钟,前3辆车等级会相同。
– 侦察车会被平衡,每边侦察车的数量一致(译者注:但是可能会出现T-50对WZ-132的情况),这个机制之前被否决了,现在重新开始工作。
Storm asked the players to give feedback in the comments. From the comments and feedback:
– a player reports an issue, that low tier platoons are too often on the bottom of the team. Storm states it’s possible that the new MM on RU7 did affect this, he will check.
– Storm states that it’s pointless to explain the mechanism changes, as it is so complicated even he didn’t understand when the developers explained them to him, one has to have deep knowledge of the system to understand
– Storm and players noticed a lot of “mirror fights” (with both team having the same vehicles) he’s not sure if that’s a good thing, or not
– the waiting times have increased to 40s-1minute
– platoon balancing not only by pieces, but also by MM weight is not planned
– 有玩家反应,组队玩家老垫底。Storm表示这可能是新的分房机制导致的,他会检查下。
– Storm表示解释新的分房机制毫无意义,因为那非常复杂。就算是他,在一位 非常高端非常娴熟的职业开发人员 十分了解这个系统的开发人员给他解释的时候,也没有完全搞懂。
– Storm和玩家注意到了许多镜像局(两边车一样) – 他不确定这是不是件好事 反正我觉得挺好
– 排队时间增加到了40秒~1分钟
– 没有对组队在分房中的权重进行平衡的计划