Official Russian FAQ — 官方俄服Q&A汇总

Source: RU thread

Hello everyone,

here is a translation (or more like, summary) of the official Russian developer FAQ. This info is official, it’s not my summary of developer post. This FAQ was created by developers themselves. Why EU server has no such thing, I have no idea, but I will be replacing my FTR FAQ with this. Please keep in mind, that this is NOT a regular Q&A, more like a sum of info, but there is some new/less known stuff, so you’d do well to go thru it.

I will regularily check for updates too.



WG silently changed CW rules


Basically, landing battle draw is now considered a victory for the attacker. This has led to numerous cases, where clans, playing by the “old rules”, lost a match, because they were not aware of the change.
好吧,重点翻译亮点: 登陆战, 若平局就算守方, 进攻方胜利

Another great day with the WG EU office…

A-43 – upcoming tier 6 medium

Source: http://ftr.wot-ne



Hello everyone,


the A-43 (or T-34M, as it is also known) is the upcoming tier 6 medium tank in the World of Tanks 0.8.8 patch – so let’s have a look at him, shall we? First, official Wargaming tank description (that was leaked earlier):

Developed in 1941 at Plant No. 183 under the designation A-43. A new vehicle was intended to replace the T-34 tank. The vehicle was to be equipped with torsion-bar suspension, diesel engine V-5, a new transmission and a reinforced to 60 mm front armor.


Type 64 “Prototype” Chinese tank


Author: Lahn (US server)

Hello everyone,
this post, submitted to me by Lahn (the same guy, who came up with the Taiwanese branch), deals in a bit more detail with the tank, that is the “other” Type 64. Yea – there are two Type 64′s: the “hybrid” and the “prototype” – the “hybrid” is the one that’s going to be most likely implemented as tier 5 Chinese light tank (M42 Duster hull, Hellcat turret), while this one there are no plans for – at least for now. Let’s have a look at it.