
About the new method of evaluating tank performance

顽童ck强行插入 –ごめんね(´・ω・`)   首先插播一个B站的论平衡性的视频
&或见游戏业产品经理GOUKI-完美的平衡游戏不存在!   f119a君请继续┏ (゜ω゜)=☞
Hello everyone,
this post will be a bit complicated, so bear with me. Basically, a couple of Russian players came up with a new method of measuring whether a tank is overpowered or not (or even underpowered) than classic winrate with some sort of threshold. In the beginning, there was the post by Makkad. This player (LJ) referred to the recent Storm statement that T57 Heavy dropped significantly in winrate and thus doesn’t need to be nerfed. Makkad points out that it practically took a year of being OP to drop to reasonable levels:



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