Introducing the MT-25…有关MT-25的


I don’t usually repost official WG stuff, but US server just published this interesting piece of info by “Yoott, resident US MT-25 expert”:

First Impressions of the MT-25

The first thing a player will notice once they log in will be the sheer size difference in the tank compared to the T-50-2. I would estimate width wise the MT-25 is 20 to 25% wider with much thicker tracks and a much beefier turret and hull design.


Supertest leaks continue…T-34-3

…..because we all know it’s the evil Europeans leaking stuff 🙂


A Russian supertester unveils some new facts over the supertest…


I heard you guys like any extra info you can get. First let me post some stats and excuse me if I make some mistakes in my English because I am Russian. Sorry if any of this was posted already.

Gun 122mm D-25TA acc 0.46 shoots 4.17 times a minute 3,4 aiming time average penetration 175/300/61 damage 390/390/465


Historical Accuracy: T-50 and Soviet Lights

The Soviet light tanks are being reshuffled from patch 8.6 to patch 8.7, as many of you already know. The ahistoric T-50-2 is going away, being replaced by the long-awaited MT-25. The T-50 is also being nerfed. Let’s look at how all of these adjustments fit into the pages of history.

The T-50 was meant to replace the T-26 as the RKKA’s infantry support tank. The task of designing it and building two prototypes was given to two factories: factory #174 and the Kirov factory. The results were somewhat different. Let’s look at what the two factories ended up producing.


Reward T10 E-75 Ausf.W (“Weserhütte Tiger”) – Next Step

Hello everyone,

some of you might recall that not so long ago, Storm stated that they want to introduce more reward T10 vehicles (like the M60, Object 907 and the Failowe), obtainable thru random battles – but they have a problem: all of the tier 10 candidates are already “scheduled” to appear as regular vehicles with lines of their own.

As a reaction to that, Kankou, Zarax and me did make a tier 10 proposal: the E-75 Ausf.W:

You can read about it here (including proposed stats):


8.7 British artillery review

来源: []

Hello everyone!

For past 2-3 days, was running a review thread of the new artillery. I decided to translate some of it (well, not literally, I will add some comments) in hope it will bring the prospective arty players (who should should be summarily sacrificed to Khorne would like to try the British arties) some info to decide, what’s what.

Author (tester): Madspider

British arty review

As everyone knows by know, patch 8.7 will bring the British artillery. It’s a whole new branch, that looks basically like this:


T-34-3/Type 59 comparison, T-50 8.7 changes

I will combine two of these things, so there isn’t too much post spam today. You’ve seen the T-34-3 picture already, time to have a look at the changes between the T-34-3 and Type 59

The Type 59 data will be in brackets.

Crew: 4 (4)
Tier: 8 (8)
Health: 1300 (1300)
Weight: 32,8t (33,6t)
Hull armor: 90/50/50 (100/80/45) (armor nerf is probably the most important reason of the T-34-3 introduction)
Turret armor: 190/120/60 (200/130/60)
Turret rotation: 46 (46)
Viewrange: 380 (380)
Radiorange: 600 (600)
Price: 7500g (preliminary)
