M26 Pershing: Medium or Heavy? (Plus other stuff)

Recently I’ve run across a small little debate about what exactly was the M26 Pershing? Was it a heavy tank or a medium tank?

This is a tricky question as it was technically both. That answer, even though correct, can be made more define. From what I’ve read, the M26 was a medium tank more than it was a heavy. On June 29th, 1944 the US Ordnance, who wanted a heavy tank to boost morale, redesignated the T26(M26)s as a heavy tank. Before this the T26 was a de facto medium tank that was developed from the T20 series of medium tanks. From June 29th, ’44 to the end of WWII the M26 kept its title as a heavy. After WWII the M26 was once again designated as a medium tank.


On suspected German rebalance – 猜测的元首平衡性

Author: Daigensui (US forums)

Here’s a bit of info about the upcoming German rebalance. You can consider the info… let’s say in accordance to what WG plans, ergo more than just “pure guessing” and less than a leak.


Many have started panicking due the broad statement above. However, I believe while there will be quite a bit of hard number changes, those will be compensated enough to make the Panthers and Tigers enjoyable.
