【WOWS Q&A】2016/12/03


Answered by Sub_Octavian, compiled by Sonic_157

Q:Hello, do you have any data on whether or not teams with more DDs per side are more likely to win in domination mode games? Similarly, does the number of RU/USN DDs influence said win rate?

A:At this moment we haven’t got actual date of this case, however we analyzed that effect (different nations, +1/+2 DD/CV/BB per side) in the early versions, where was battles 13 to 15 battleships and we didn’t see any influence on winrate. In 0.5.8 permississible difference of destroyers between the teams was limited by 1 and we lost interest for this case. About second question: matchmaker swaps ships to achieve closest nation-class balance possible. Probably after entering more branches we will repeat that research.

Q:– On the topic of CV (nation) balance, is there any consideration to giving USN CVs (at least tier 7 and up) some balanced loadouts? It would at least mitigate some of the imbalance right now.

2/1/2 Essex pls. pls. is balanced. is basically stock loadout +1 DB. Same number of squads as the other options. And is the historically accurate Essex air wing composition ratio (36/18/36).

(Lexington 1/1/2 would also be nice.)

A:There are no plans to implement any major balance changes to CV BEFORE we have full re-work concept (it is in DEV plan for 2017, the problem is recognized and accepted).

Q:– Since quite a few people were somewhat miffed with how the Royal Navy cruisers turned out in the game, I am curious how well they are performing across the servers? May be a kind of resumee since they’ve been out for a few weeks now?

Personally, I have to say that if played according to their strengths, they can be quite powerful, although T2, 3 and 4 could need some love from the Devs, but may be that’s just me. Also, despite everybody bashing Wargaming for giving HE only to Perth and Belfast, I have to say that I am somehow performing better in their regular counterparts (Leander and Fiji) for some reason. Can you shed some light on the respective performance of those ships in particular?

A:I am glad to say that initial stats RN cruisers achieved after release remain good and competitive across the servers. The line is effecient AND at the same time, situational/skill-dependent. Which contributes to game diversity. You are absolutely right saying that they should be carefully played to their strengths.

Lower tiers currently are not underperforming despite big amount of players. Their stats are still above average. Probably they will need some love, but not now when they show such performance.

As for Belfast and Perth – interesting questions. I checked their last-week stats, too.

Perth currently performs on the level of its rivals, close to Budenny. Belfast is among best T7 cruisers, but Fiji still outperforms her by ~2kavg.dmg and ~1.1% avg.WR. However, we should realize that Fiji audience is more skilled/hardcore at the moment.

Q:– Question regarding Perth:

Can’t help but notice that the duration of the premium spotter plane is 100 seconds as opposed to 180 seconds on the regular spotter plane. Is this a mistake or is it intentional?

Hello! This is a mistake. The correct duration is 180 seconds for both consumables, we’ll fix it in the near future versions

Q:– Neighbours Map Southern Spawn

How often do teams who spawn south/right side win?

It is my impression they are disadvantaged sue to the bbs spawning at bottom which drives them to cap A and be out of the match for long time if not clever wheras from C, you can project into B with lots of cover when coming from left.

A:Hello, this map is perfectly balanced. Odds of winning each sides about 50% +/- 0.2%.
答:这张图十分平衡。现在每一边的胜率大概都在50% +-0.2%上下。

Q:– Question regarding Shiratsuyu: From what we know, this particular snowflake will have 2×4 Torp launcher and a consumable which reduces the reload timer of those torps to 5 seconds. This means that this ship will be able to throw out 16 torpedoes in about 5 seconds at several points in any battle. Is this really intentional and how does that fit into Wargaming’s efforts to reduce the “Torpedoe soup”?

Last but not least, I was under the impression that Shiratsuyu was part of the line that was supposed to be more of a gunboat, so why does she (and Akizuki) get that consumable?

– – Torpedo soup here means firing 20km torps that miss your intended target, yet go far enough for long enough to hit something else. WG didn’t like that. By comparison, creating a shorter-ranged torpedo wall of skill is completely fine.

A:That’s right!)

Q:– A question:

Are you guys aware of the invisible plane bug where enemy aircraft are invisible sometimes during the cyclone condition? I have primarily noticed it when I am playing carrier myself and cannot see planes even through they’re on the map


A:Yes, this is a known issue.

Q:– Quick question, is a CV revamp in the works? From the economic portion to gameplay anything would be appreciated
– –  Soon or SoonTm ?


In developement plan. Problem is recognized and accepted as a problem. The only factor that slows us down that the problem is complex and cannot be solved by a couple of tweaks. We are working on it. I wish I could give you the exact date, but I cannot. Don’t expect it to be solved until Spring at least.

Q:– The new IJN DD line makes no sense to me. The Akatsuki (torpedo boat) has better gunpower than the Shiratsuyu (gun boat). The Shiratsuyu however has insanely good torpedo volleys, beating the torpedo line. The Akizuki is literally the only gunboat in the entire “gunboat line”. The “gunboat” also has better stealth than the “torpedo boat”. I use quotation marks because neither of those are fulfilling their expected role.

Is this intended or did someone simply not test these ships at all before releasing em?

A: I believe that “gunboat” – “torpedo” opposition is actually not the case here. These ships have different playstyle beacuse they have less tubes, but have access to rapid reload.

That does not that mean one line has direct advantage in one stat over other line.

All current stats are intended and tested.

Q:– With discussions of WoWS becoming an e-sports, isn’t it time to remove Detonations from game?

A:No, it isn’t.

Q:Have the issues with the Royal Navy smoke been accepted as an issue that needs to be resolved or is it still a non issue in the dev’s eyes? Here is the issue I have with RN smoke.

A:Hello. Judging from your video it works as intended. The issue is not with the number of “puffs”, but with the speed. According to game mechanics, your speed should be less than 15 kts in order to be concealed by your smokes on the move. This is clearly visible in your video. I thought the issue was with something else (e.g. no second puff with speed under 15 kts), but if I got you right, there is no bug here. Just be sure to slow down before deploying smokes (true for all ships, not just RN).

Q: Would you happen to know anything about the National Characteristics of the German dds?

A:Hi. Sure. 1. Good torp. armament. And its specs grows with tier in very consistent way. 2. Good AP rounds. 3. Tiers II-IV have bow torpedo tubes with very tricky angles. 4. VI+ tiers have 128-mm artillery with good ballistics. 5. VI+ tiers have sonar. 6. VI+ tiers have a choice between 128 mm and 150 mm. 7. IX-X tiers have decent AA (dual purpose turrets). 8. Broad hulls = vulnerable to AP fire, fewer overpens.

That information is about branch in TESTING, so it is NOT final and subject to change after production test.

Q:Just like German battleships, those look like way too many strengths and way too few weaknesses.

A:We will see. You shouldn’t underestimate the power of broad hull that eats AP shells.

Q:In WoT, a player can personalize a tank with emblems and inscriptions. Is there a chance of this feature being brought over to WoWS?

A:Yes, there is huge potential for visual customization based on naval history facts. We’re planning on some stuff, it is in concept/design stage. Not sure we will do it in 2017, as the next year is already full of new features, but anyways, it will be implemented eventually.

Q:Recently, the ocean map was added to the map rotation (EU). Some classes and ships are seriously handicapped there.

While the map is realistic, it is not very popular. Any plans to skip it again?

A:Indeed, some classes and ships have difficulties on the ocean, but this difficulties are not very large. But the ocean is quite rare maps per session player, and this classes and ships have an advantage on maps with islands and shelters.

Q:Could ships have a bigger and longer ship wake, currently it isn’t so visible on low sea rendering setting.

Could torpedoes leave only wake behind them, not a water fountain?

A:Wakes are likely to be improved along with other FX.

Torpedo FX are not realistic, but they should be as visible as possible.

Q: Was wondering, since some ships are getting their models revamped (Shimakaze, Shinonome) would it be possible for the Iowa to undergo the same model improvements that Missouri has?

I’m talking about the extra polygons and windows the newer modelled ships have. Missouri is gonna be an entirely new model, while the Iowa model will be the one we’ve had since before beta. Would Iowa receive a model update, and if so, would other ships receive such updates as well? (Like the current Fubuki model we have.)

A:We seek to achive the same (best possible at the moment) level of detail. So it is safe to say all models are constantly (but slowly) improved.

Next ships to be improved visually are Atago, Kutuzov, Tirpitz, Eugen and Lo Yang.

Q:Why did you give Akizuki the Torpedo Reload Booster consumable instead of Defensive AA (and was it considered an option during the testing phase)? Many people were expecting a unique, more dedicated AA destroyer considering the escort role of Akizuki-class in real life. In terms of gameplay, I also think DF is a reasonable option as Akizuki’s stat look quite sluggish for a destroyer.

A:We believe that “AA DDs” option should remain for USN currently. It is gameplay decision. And Akizuki is pretty unique even without AAdef.fire.

Q:An idea occurred to me, that Takao, in the Arpeggio anime, has two hull colors. Would there ever be consideration that players could swap between the Blue we have now, and the Red/Black Hull as well? Just a thought~

A:As our contract with ARP creators is expiring, we’re not likely to change anything in ARP content and won’t add anything new.

Q:If the torpedoes currently used by the Minekaze and its premium derivatives (Fujin and Kamikaze R) are nerfed in the IJN DD rework, would these premium ships be re-armed with the nerfed torpedoes as well?

A:No, they stay the same.

Q:Can we have dynamic versions of all reticle types? (7,8 etc).

Are any of them optimize for a specific resolution?

A:Hello, new versions of dynamic scopes are not planned in the near future. Most likely, at the time of the addition of new scopes will and their optimization.

Q:Is GUI scaling still far on the back burner? I know that at least a mod would definitely be popular for testing.

A:Yep. We do realize this is a must for the future, but right now there are too few users playing with resolution above Full HD. It is in the list, but not the top priority.

Q:How is it I can do 251,000 damage, shoot down a significant number of planes, and only gross 330k (and net 90k) while playing a tier 10 carrier?

Base exp is only 1222? Not even in the top 3. First place has 1700 base exp with 117k damage; no caps. How is this so broken?

A:Damage is relative. Currently CVs perform equally with other classes in terms of economy. We will conduct additional review in December, though.

Q:Why is the Pensacola such a pain to play/level? Do you as a company enjoy torturing people?

A:Pensacola may have some issues (and they will be solved), but her main problem is that she’s the first heavy cruiser in game, and if VERY different from Cleveland. It’s like Furutaka, It’s like Aoba (when there was no Furutaka).

Q:Have the devs also considered having Torpedo Reload Boost on Yuugumo? Shiratsuyu has it with the same number of torpedoes which is not as fast but not by much (except when you consider the F3s), and she’s in tier 7. Having less torpedoes per minute and main battery DPM than the Fletcher is quite concerning, tho the RoF buff is a highly-welcomed buff from the old Kagero.

A:New ships are released, they were tested, and any need for tweks, buff or nerf will be much data-influenced. So, we need some time and data for these ships.

Q:In EU forum “Skycat79” posted his idea about “Enable the Radar/Hydro Range on the Minimap”.

A: This idea is now in UI wishlist for 2017

Q:Let me ask here. It is very intended to high tier IJN DDs to have inferior to USN destroyer in every aspects? I do not see how WG advertised IJN DDs as torpedo specialists before, however as USN DDs got superior loading time, superior torpedo detection range, and superior range – I do not see ANY effectiveness of previous IJN 15km and 20km torpedo, but WG you know what? you are FORCING IJN DDs to use 8 or 10km torpedoes, still inferior to more stealthy and ranged USN one -.

Now I only see USN DDs are the actual torpedo specialists except the T10 Shimakaze can shoot carpet of torpedoes, which is the only thing that IJN has but still inferior to USN torpedo. Your fancy torpedo accelerator is available only for the new branch, as current branch TA replaces the smoke is just utterly useless.

Tell me. Are they intended and working as WG planned?

A:Yes. We do not share the perception that IJN DDs are inferior to USN DDs. USN are more universal – this is true. But that does not mean IJN are worse.

As for long torpedoes..we don’t want 20km torps to be very effecient. It is bad for gameplay. Playing with 8-10 km torps is great, as it is both rewarding (if you do it right, they deal real damage) and dangerous (it can be countered because of shorter engagement range).

Q:So I’m curious about the Yubari. She’s currently in her final form, with increased AA, but less gun firepower, only having four 140mm guns. That’s the same as the Tier 3 Tenryu.

What is the possibility of seeing Yubari in her original state, with six 140mm guns, but decreased AA, as either a separate ship, or an alternative hull for the existing one?

A:Almost zero. She is a peculiar premium ship, but she is fine. We don’t see any need to change her now.

【WOWS Q&A】2016/12/03》上有1个想法

  1. 白毛子放尼玛的狗屁,日驱现在都成狗了你跟我说你不是故意的?对比下弗莱彻和夕云,夕云的雷跟弗莱彻2X5 10.5的低隐蔽快高伤雷就是他妈的屎,还说日驱能玩?!二雷坑钱,白毛SA

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