【WOWS Q&A】2016/12/01


Thanks to Babykim, EU

Some interesting information from a stream with the developer _Vlegris

1. The Hydroacoustic Search of Bismarck is overpowered in ranked battles, but not an issue in random battles. They plan to softly nerf this feature in a distant future, possible prior to the start of the next season of ranked battles.
1. 俾斯麦的水听在天梯战斗中太OP了,但是在随机战中就没有这个问题。他们的计划是在将来稍微削弱一下这个水听,估计是在下一季的天梯战开始的时候就会动手。

2. There are currently no plans for ranked battles with tier IX ships.
2. 现在没有计划要做9级船的天梯战。

3. No nerfs are planned for the British cruisers.
3. 没计划削弱英巡

4. At the moment, no changes are planned for the carriers. Currently, the carriers are situational and skill-dependent. Although little time was invested in them in 2016, this will change in 2017. The developers want to see more carriers in battles, and to narrow the skill-gap between the good and not-so-good players by introducing better interface.
4. 现在的话没有要对航母下手的计划。航母当前是很依靠周围的情形,而且很依赖于玩家水平的。在2016年关于航母的改动很少,但是在2017年这个现象会有所改观。开发团队想在战斗中看到更多的航母,并且通过加入一个全新的界面来缩短在高玩和普通玩家之间的水平差距。

5. There will be a Japanese premium carrier in 2017.
5. 2017年会有一艘日本的金币航母。

6. No comment on the carriers being overpowered at low tiers.
6. 对低阶战斗中航母很OP一事不予置评

7. In the future, the Russian destroyer tree will be split similar to the Japanese, with ships changing tiers, and another branch. This new branch will not be the only extension, there will be a second larger branch.
7. 未来毛驱也会像日驱一样分线,会有很多船的等级被调整,而且会有一条新线。而这条新线并不会仅仅是一条小分支,而是一条更大的线。

8. The Missouri is Iowa with radar but without the airplane, with better armored beams and a slightly different AA.
8. 密苏里就是装了雷达但是没了飞机的衣阿华,船侧的防护会更好,AA会有些微的不同。

9. The developers see shooting from invisibility on an open water as problematic. This possibility entered the gameplay as a mistake, and will be removed eventually. Invisible shooting from smoke or from behind an island should still be possible.
9. 开发团队认为在广阔的海面上打隐身炮其实是一个问题。他们当初也是不小心使这种行为成为了可能,但是他们会在未来将这种可能性移除掉。至于在烟雾中或者是在小岛后面打隐身炮还是没问题的。

10. There are plans to split the American cruiser branch, but not this year (2017?).
10. 有计划给美巡做个分线,但是年内是没戏了(2017年内?)

11. Some fighters, but not all, will be able to attack ships. They are already being modeled and produced.
11. 部分舰战,但是并不是所有的舰战在未来可以对船只进行攻击。它们现在正在建模并且在创作中。

12. British carriers and Russian battleships will appear, but not this year (2017?).
12. 英航和毛战会出,但是年内不会出(2017年内?)


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