【Developer Q&A 】2013/4/26, 4/27



26.4.2013 part 2

– 88mm L/71 did not fire HEAT projectiles
“历史上88mm L/71有能力发射HEAT弹,你们会做到游戏里吗?”
“别抽那么多 (大麻) 烟。”

– armored cars apparently won’t appear
“德军指挥官喜欢用装甲车来进行侦察,游戏里会有 (装甲车) 吗?”

– Soviet D-25 gun won’t get “historical” accuracy (SS: it was more accurate than it is depicted in the game)


– AMX ELC won’t get a fully traversable turret
“ELC AMX在历史上的某种型号可以让炮塔360度转动,但必须完全停下来才能转,未来有可能按这个修改吗?”

– player’s won’t apparently be “forced” to watch the training videos
不会使用任何强制措施来让玩家观看那些官方的教学视频。 (以后逐步做成有钱有经验拿的一整个系列教学关卡会比较有效)

– when fuel tank module HP drops to zero, they caught automatically on fire (SS: some player mentioned a case where they were “destroyed”, yet nothing happened)

– the only thing that influences the drowning countdown is the height of the hull (“if I recall correctly”) (SS: in other words, hermetically sealed tanks have no advantage when going into water)
(如果SerB没记错)- 车辆在某个深度的水里是否触发溺水倒计时的判定,只取决于车辆的高度。 (也就是矮车更容易淹水,跟车体密封程度无关)

A few things Overlord mentioned in his latest post:

– Overlord states that it’s not clear what should be done to improve the quality of average gamers
(Overlord原话:For now, it’s unclear what actually could be done about it in WoT, apart from adding more tutorial scenarios. )

– significant 8.6 general arty rebalance confirmed
(原话:There will be quire noticeable SPGs rebalancing of course. )

– tier 9 and 10 profitability won’t improve

– historical battles should contain PVE elements
(原话:2. Making it random is unlikely an option. Should contain PvE elements.)

– CW’s are planned to be revamped to “involve more players” (SS: on RU server there is a talk of Clanwars being changed so huge clans and alliances are not dominating anymore)

– Overlord心目中一个好的游戏模式至少要吸引10%以上的总游戏人数参与才算成功。
– “历史战模式和电子竞技哪个更重要?”—— 经过WG团队的热烈讨论后,电子竞技目前获得了更高的工作优先度。 (不管这是否借口,历史战的遥遥无期肯定跟WG的工作侧重点有很大关系。)

– Overlord and other community people do realize the failure of EU Q&A in mind, Overlord stated:

“True that, people are not equal – they have different (cultural, family, etc) backgrounds and abilities so they can’t be treated equally – that’s why you shouldn’t bash on Serb’s style of communication for instance. Adding to that, we, as a developers (speaking only for devs here), have extremely limited resources in terms of communication. Yup, English, ofc can be covered – that wouldn’t be a problem, but probably no more. And smth is usually better than anything. So, generally speaking, language treatment could be slightly different, e.g. basic set of languages would get standard support while English-speaking resources could provide smth more.”


“Blunt RU->EN translation would probably do for starter, it wouldn’t be a professional way of doing things. I admit there are issues with the current workflow. I’m still hoping for improvements that should follow after our San Francisco meeting back in March. There should be place for direct dev-player-dev communication.”
———— 4月27日完 ————


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