【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/20


– Churchill Gun Carrier from tier 6 to tier 5 and reviewing stock Bishop? “When it’s done it’s done, if it happens at all” (SerB states that he can post his personal opinion, but other people deal with rebalance than him)
把丘吉尔GC从6级降到5级,顺便再对白板主教做些调整?“When it’s done it’s done,当然这是基于以上事情会发生的情况下。”(SerB表示他可以发表自己个人的观点,但是其他人是负责重新平衡这一块的,而不是他。)

– there are no plans for now for variable geometry wing fighter jets in the game (such as the Messerschmitt MEP.1109), but in the future their implementation is not excluded
现在没有计划要把可变机翼的喷气式战斗机加入游戏的计划(栗如梅塞施米特式 MEP.1109战斗机),但是并不排除在未来会有把他们加入游戏的计划

– the option to view replays from old game versions is not going to be implemented (SerB: “Convert the replay to video”)

– SerB states that regarding the way crew XP counter is implemented in WoWp (SS: it allegedly shows crew XP to 100 percent and not to next percent or something like that), there is a really low priority for implementing that to WoT, because both ways are roughly equally comfortable for the player

– SerB states that there is no “gold shell issue” (SS: as in, an issue of players shooting only gold in randoms), because everyone can do that

– SerB states that the impression tier 9 vehicles get (after the removal of battletier 12) thrown more often to the bottom of the team is false and not consistent with Wargaming’s statistics

– SerB states, that HE shells, that penetrate the armor completely (by their kinetic energy) don’t lose penetration ability over distance or get normalized, because “there is a quite complicated process of penetration, connected with the deformation of a thin-walled shell. Roughly said, limited sturdiness of the shell doesn’t allow for much more penetration even at short distances. Well, and as for normalization, these shells don’t ‘twist’” (SS: by “twist” I mean the process where the shell changes its vector upon impact, based on the construction of the point of the shell)

– FPS dropping on new winter maps? SerB: “How terrible. I checked, both the new maps and the old maps have roughly the same FPS for me. Write to support.”
帧数在新的冬天地图上下降了?SerB:“How Terrible.我自己试了下,两张新的地图和旧的地图的帧数对我来说都差不多。你给客服写个反馈吧。” 

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