【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/19


– when creating a new tier 8 vehicle (or rebalancing an old one), it is balanced for general use, not for team battles

– various new graphic effects will not be added to the old render (SS: the old render is not developed anymore in any way)

– Wargaming doesn’t want multiple “copy” maps (like Summer/Winter Himmelsdorf), SerB states that they will rather try to implement these variants with one map somehow (SS: as in, one map, more texture packs or so)

– there is a possibility that the M47 Patton with L7 alternative hull (!) will be implemented

– BMP and BMD vehicles do not fit into WoT
(译注:两辆车均为苏军装甲运兵车,最初一辆下线在1968年。武器配备为73 mm 2A28滑膛炮以及反坦克导弹。以上内容摘录自此页面。) 

– apparently, no “mastery” badge rewards are planned (SS: but nothing specifically confirmed or denied)

– the reason FV215b (183)’s gun is designated as 183mm, even though its caliber is listed as 182mm: “Different nominal and actual caliber are in British case very common”

– detracking will not be split into “detracked by breaking the track” and “detracked by having a roadwheel destroyed” (SS: for the purposes of possible movement while detracked)

– currently, in the suspension model, each side has 4 contact points per side per tank (SS: as in, when calculating movement, 4 points on each side are there to make sure the suspension doesn’t “run flat” and it looks good). When the independent suspension gets introduced, this number will apparently rise to 5 – also, these points won’t have to be spread evenly, for example, when a vehicle has irregular roadwheels spread, like the T-54, these points will reflect the roadwheel positions

– T-55 Model 1958 is not in the game, because it’s too OP
T-55 1958年版没出现在游戏中的原因是过于OP

– AMX 13 Model 1952 is in the game as AMX 13/75
AMX 13 1952年版在游戏中是以AMX13/75的形式出现的 

And from Overlord:

– E25 is not OP

– FOV actually does influence FPS (SS: this was confirmed by Storm too, the wider the FOV, the more power it needs for the same performance)

【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/19》上有2个想法


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