【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/21


– Q: “I come home from a night shift, where I lead a team of 20-30 people and I get killed too quickly in my E-75 by a T-54 spamming gold shells, wtf?” A: “Sorry, we never guaranteed, are not guaranteeing and never will guarantee the immunity from T-54 with D-10TS even to big daddies, leading 20-30 people in real life. Even more so because of the fact that in real life, there were such shells (with even higher penetration) while the armor of the E-75, that was implemented because of the whining of some people, never existed. :)”

– regarding the question above, the gold shell SerB had in mind was the 3UBK4 HEAT shell, that in the game has 330mm penetration, while in real life it had over 400mm, this type of shell could have been used in regular D-10T/D-10S guns, but it won’t be implemented to lower tiers (SS: for obvious – balance – reasons)
关于以上问题,SerB在想的金币弹是3UBK4 HEAT弹,游戏中的穿深是330mm。而现实生活中的穿深会超过400mm,这种弹药也能够用在常规的D-10T/D-10S炮上,但是它不会被加到低级车上的(SS:很显然,因为平衡性的原因)

– current situation in Kiev influences negatively the development of WoWp and WoT Generals

– Q: “Why in the national battles the first 5 slots are not balanced evenly (as shown in the MM video) and why is there a MM weight difference between teams of 20 percent?” A: “Because deviations are allowed.” and “Under certain circumstances, these MM rules can be disregarded. That’s correct MM mechanism function.”

– LT class changes? “I will tell in patchnotes”

– developers are working hard on 9.0, it will come soon…

【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/21》上有4个想法

  1. Even more so because of the fact that in real life, there were such shells (with even higher penetration) while the armor of the E-75, that was implemented because of the whining of some people, never existed.


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