【Developer Q&A 】2014/02/06(内附视野改动)


– Storm confirms, T49 will come this year (SS: T49 LT is a project to upgun Walker Bulldog with 90mm)

– Sheridan appearing in WoT? “No chance”

– Storm is not happy with the fact that a tank can “disappear” when not moving and “reappears” when it starts moving again, he thinks about changing this somehow

– vertical aim aid will be optional (SS: as in, you will be able to select where you aim horizontally too, I can’t remember how this damn thing is called)

– Storm states that various way of fighting illegal mods and software like CRC checksums and memory detection are “not easy to implement and not effective”, they are apparently easy to bypass
Storm表示那些用于检查第三方MOD和软件的手段,栗如CRC checksum以及内存探测都“不方便导入,切效率低下”,而且想要绕过这些检测也很简单

– there will “relatively soon” be a “big new mode for clanwars”

And a big change:

Developers decided to remove the 12th battletier in 8.11 (SS: If you don’d understand what that means, refer towotwiki). The reason for it is that “it is really cheap means of reducing the tier 8 waiting times and giving additional incentive for grinding tier 10 vehicles”. Apparently, this was a player idea, that got considered and was found good.
开发团队决定在8.11中移除第12级的战斗等级(SS:如果你无法理解的话,请去参阅WOT维基百科)。这么做的原因是“这么搞是最廉价的解决8级车排队时间过长的问题,以及还可以刺激大家出10级车” 这个想法是由一名玩家提出的,WG考虑了这个想法并发现这个主意不错。

(SS: effectively it means tier 8 vehicles will see more of tier 10′s in their battles, this will not affect tier 8 premium vehicles)

– it’s possible that open-topped vehicles might be nerfed (by 2,5 percent or so), but their crew get an “open-topped” skill bonus to compensate (so people don’t complain about not being able to use the ventilation on them)

– KV-5 will not return to the ingame shop apparently


Hello everyone,

recently, there has been a lot of talk about changed FOV in 8.11, so let’s have a look at it.

FOV stands for Field of View. It’s basically the area you can see in the game on your monitor. Previously (or rather as it is now), Field of View was different for each resolution. Now, they have been unified. And what does it mean practically?

Russian player Tikhonovetskiy made a comparison (made on 1920 x 1028 on a 24in screen, 16:9) – basically, in 8.11, the field of view for wide screens will be somewhat limited.


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