

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/2914213.html

Hello everyone,

here are a few rumors from Russia, brought by player askold_kr. Some where debunked by Storm however. I will leave the judgement up to you.
以下是从毛子的一些新才传言,这些是由askold_kr提出的问题。然而部分被Storm直接揭穿了 。我把判断权留给各位。

– askold claims that the HD client will be kept separate from from the “regular” client. Storm actually adds that this might partially be the case: there will be one client, but the HD textures and HD models pack (since only a part of the playerbase is expected to use it) will be issued as a separate patch and not everyone will have to download it (SS: reasonable, as only a minority of the playerbase probably has a computer to actually run it)
askold宣称高清客户端会和“现有的客户端”保持独立。Storm的确表示说以下情况是有可能发生的:我们只有一个客户端,但是高清贴图和高清模型包(因为只有一小部分的玩家群体想要玩到这些) 会作为一个单独的补丁出现,而且它不是强制下载的(SS:说得过去,因为只有一小部分的玩家的电脑有那个能力能带起高清的游戏)

– T95E6 will (as confirmed before) be a special tank for clanwars (clans)

– SU-76i and Ke-Ni Otsu will be regular premium tanks
SU-76i以及九八式軽戦車 ケニ “乙”会作为常规金币车出现

– tier 10 TD nerf: alpha will be reduced from 850 to 750 and compensated by increased ROF (SS: this has been somewhat confirmed before), askold claims that the TD’s will also get aim time nerf, accuracy when moving nerf and maybe maneuverability nerf, maybe even an aim nerf, none of that was however confirmed

– a lot of maps will be reworked, the following maps will be Prussia, Minsk and Kharkov (SS: this was also confirmed before)

Askold however also claims that Malinovka will be reworked so that there will be some sort of hole (depression) in the middle of the field, Storm reacted ironically and said it’s garbage.
然而Askold同时表示马利诺夫卡会被重制, 在地图中间的平原区会有一些坑(洼地),Storm很讽刺的回答并且表示这就是一坨翔

An interesting thing though: T23 will return to the game (sort of confirmed), possibly as an alternative hull.


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