【Developer Q&A 】2013/12/13


– during bonus XP events, the increased XP does not count towards the mastery badge requirements

– it’s possible that at some point, STB-1 will recieve its hydraulic suspension

– Q: “Did you consider making a bridge between the new medium Soviet line and the second Soviet (Obj263) TD line?” A (SerB): “No, we don’t consider all sorts of garbage, we don’t have as much time on our hands as you do”

– apparently, in 8.10 the bug where the ammo reload screen (when you reload gold ammo for credit) switches to gold ammo for gold is back, Storm knows about it

– Storm, when asked about the pictures at the end of the WoT Graphics video, such as this one (and about their appearance in game):
 “This is what we will strive for in 2014″

Storm also adds that for high graphics settings, the required hardware will be “contemporary”, but can’t tell what configuration exactly will you need (he states he’s no expert in that). He however adds that i5+660Ti is a good system and that it shouldn’t exceed that by much. He also adds that multicore support will have little influence on that, as currently the performance depends mostly on the graphic card.

– Storm, when asked why the earlier pictures of the green STB-1 were much brighter, states that in their developer viewer, the lighting is very bright. This is how the camouflage on Japanese tanks was before (brown basic color)

and this is how it looks now (both pictures by Russian LJ user take_my_head)
以下是现在的样子 (两张截图由俄罗斯LJ用户take_my_head提供)


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