【Developer Q&A 】2013/11/26


– mods such as XVM or noobmeter have no influence on tank MM (SS: yes, someone really asked that)

– a player asked whether it was possible to make a U-turn with a tank (like drifting) – SerB said sure, to try it with MT-25

– Russian wikipedia mentions a plan to install a 152mm BR-2 gun on SMK chassis under the name of IS 1940, SerB states that this is why he doesn’t like wikipedia, the tank is clearly a fake and the gun is way too big and its recoil too strong for such a chassis
毛文的维基百科提到了一个要把152mm BR-2炮装在SMK底盘上并将其命名为IS 1940的计划,SerB表示这就是他为什么不喜欢维基百科了。这个坦克纯属扯淡,而且这杆炮太大了,而且后坐力对这个底盘来说也太大了

– SerB states he doesn’t know of any more German tanks with 300mm+ armor, that could be introduced in WoT

– the optional hulls will not only reworked visual models, but also different properties, for example the 100mm armor T-54 hull had better lower front plate armor, there apparently will also be the IS-2 hull with “straight” frontal plate

– the calculation of tank mobility and acceleration properties is quite complicated according to SerB, the exact formula won’t be published

– wounded gunner influencing the aim circle incorrectly? “How terrible” (SS: a Russian player presented some sort of idiotic theory how to improve it – nothing important, basically it works just fine)
受伤的炮手居然会错误地影响瞄准圈? “How terrible”(SS:一个毛服玩家发表了一些乱七八糟的关于如何加强它的理论性文章——反正没啥重要的,现在炮手受伤不会错误地影响瞄准圈就是了)

– turret rotation will make a sound in the future, “it’s done when it’s done”
未来炮塔旋转会有声音,“it’s done when it’s done”

– bots are not tracked based on the Hall of Fame data


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