

As predicted, 8.8 came live to Russia today.

– There was apparently a bug in the patch that prevented people from selling the Superpershing for gold, but it has been fixed since.

– As confirmed earlier, the 112 and T-34-3 premium tanks are available only via gift shop. In Russia, the T-34-3 itself (without the costof the garage slot) costs an equivalent of 10800 gold, while the 112 costs an equivalent of 12100 gold.

– as confirmed earlier by WG, a lot of mods stopped working in 8.8. There is a sort of “fix” however: earlier, some mods installed their elements into the \gui\flash folder. In 8.8, they use \gui\scaleform folder – some mods will start working if you copy the mod content from the flash to scaleform folder. Don’t ask me any details tho, I don’t use mods. Also, “Jove Pack” (whatever that is) along with some version of XVM do work in 8.8

– confirmed: owners of VK3001H will get free VK3002M with new 100 percent crew + a slot, while the old VK3001H crew gets automatically retrained to the VK3001H tier 5 heavy tank (if you want to keep it in “medium” class, you have to retrain it to another medium tank)

– how to earn some litte credit: if you have one of the vehicles that get their engines changed (Tiger, Tiger II, Panther, Panther II, Jagdpanther, Jagdpanther II, Jagdtiger, VK2801), sell immediately all the stock engines you might have in your depot. In the patch, the top engine gets demounted (and changed) and you will recieve an extra stock engine for free.
如何占小便宜赚点银币:如果你有一辆引擎即将得到改动的车辆(虎式,虎王,豹式,豹2,猎豹,猎豹2,猎虎,VK2801),立刻将你仓库中以上车辆的白板发动机卖掉。在补丁上线之后,顶级发动机会被卸下来(换成新的发动机) ,你会额外得到一个免费的白板发动机。


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