【WOWS Q&A】2016/10/10


Thanks to Babykim, EU

Summary of a video by z1000 on best ships by tiers according to statistics from 25 percent sample of the RU cluster, as of today.

This list is based purely on XP, damage and win rate, not personal impressions of the author.

The list of ships is in the decreasing order of goodness (>), the last ships in the list are the worst performers.

Separately on carriers, Japanese carriers perform better on all tiers, except tier 7 (Saipan)

2级: 海风
3级: 博加特里> 拿骚
4级: 矶风> 尼古拉一世
5级: 风神/神风/峯风 > 雷鸣 > … > 博格
6级: 亚利桑那> 克利夫兰 > … > 巴伐利亚> 睦月> 前哨
7级: 沙恩霍斯特> 格奈森瑙> 闪电> 弗林特 > 亚特兰大> … > 初春
8级: 俾斯麦> 库图佐夫 > 爱宕> 苍蓝高雄 > … > 塔什干> 新奥尔良 (希佩尔和欧根也很烂)
9级: 腓烈特大帝 > 鲁恩> … > 阳炎> 巴尔的摩
10级: 大选帝侯 > 哈巴罗夫斯克> … > 岛风> 得梅因

Summary of a video by getfun on the forthcoming reward crates, which have been showcased at Gamescom 2016.

Source: https://www.youtube….h?v=aT4VVkDHd7k

When a player accumulates 2.000, 12.500 or 37.000 XP, he can open a crate. The rewards include credits, doubloons, consumables, signals and (yet unspecified) random items. The Gamescom video shows that doubloons can only be received as a random item.

Some information (little new) from a recent stream by JamesWhite:

1. Complaints about the new economy slowly abate.
1. 关于新的经济系统的抱怨正在渐渐降低

2. The RN cruisers are still being tested. They appear to have found an interesting niche for them.
2. 新的英国巡洋舰还在测试中。他们好像找到了一个很好的解决办法。

3. The depot is forthcoming, but will be different than that in WoT.
3. 仓库系统很快就会推出了,但是会和WOT的不一样

4. Team battles will reappear after the introduction of clan functionality, to provide a stronger incentive for playing them.
4. 组队战会在军团功能推出之后回归,为的是给组队战提供一个更强的游玩动力

5. The developers are thinking of a server-side replay functionality, i.e. replays will not be recorded locally but globally for all.
5. 开发团队在想要不要弄一个服务器端的录像功能,换句话说就是不会在本地上保存录像,而是把所有录像都放在服务器上。


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