【WOWS Q&A】2016/05/28


Note: The 0.5.6 patch turns on your collision avoidance setting by default so remember to turn it off.

Thanks to Carnotzet & Babykim

1. Out of curiosity, when a player buys a premium account and plays both WoWs and WoT, how is the money split between the two projects, and what is the reasoning behind?
1. 我就好奇问问,如果有玩家买了高级账号,并且同时在玩WOWS和WOT两个游戏,那这笔高级账号的钱是在这两个游戏之间怎么样进行分割的?分割的理由又是什么?

A. Both projects are made by th same company, Wargaming.net. It’s like subscribing to a theater, the shows are different but you pay at the same till.

2. Are citadels only possible through side armour penetrations or through deck armour as well? If deck armour is modeled, it should naturally be thinner than side armour and more prone to penetration at longer distances (since shells comes from the “top”). Is it thus possible to hit citadels through the deck at longer distances? Such mechanics would encourage players to fight at shorter distances.
2. 击中装甲区这个到底是只能通过击穿船侧来实现,还是说击穿甲板也行?如果你们的确有建模甲板的厚度的话,甲板理论上是比船侧装甲要薄,更加容易在远距离上被击穿(因为炮弹都是“垂直”下来的)才对。所以在远距离上到底有没有可能通过命中甲板的方式来打出装甲区?如果这种机制的确存在的话应该可以鼓励玩家在近距离进行交战才对。

A. In game, armour is modeled with high fidelity, deck armour included. It happens that players hit citadels through the deck. However, you must remember that shells don’t always fall vertically since the firing range we set in game is the effective range of the ship and not its “theoretical” maximum range. That is why for many ships the so-called “immune zone” falls on the furthest section of the firing range and thus it’s harder to penetrate the deck.

3. Are you working on improving AA and dual purpose gunfire visuals, since shells seem not to come from gun barrels and the guns don’t rotate towards planes?
3. 你们有在考虑增强AA炮和高平两用炮的视觉效果吗,现在的话好像炮弹并不是从炮管里面飞出来的,这些机枪和炮也不会朝着飞机的方向旋转?

A. We’re working on it but, like with all the other visual improvements, we’re limited by the game performance since it must run on many different system configurations. With time, all visual aspects of the game will be improved but it’s a long and slow process. Regarding the time at which they will be done, I suggest you follow the patch notes.

4. Do you plan to give CV players the ability to manually use their secondary armaments so they can better defend themselves against DD’s?
4. 你们有计划给航母加上可以手动操控副炮的机制,以便于他们更好的击退DD们吗?

A. No since CV’s should fear such situations and DD’s, for their part, should have a well-deserved advantage after succeeding in coming close to a CV.
答: 不会,因为航母本来应该是要极力避免这种情况的,而对于这种情况下的DD来说,他们已经能够近身航母了,这一波的优势就已经很大了。

5a. Do you think Moskva is overpowered? Firing range, rate of fire, turret rotation speed, caliber, penetration values, ability to tank 460mm shells from the bow, her only downsides are concealment and big silhouette.
5a. 你们有没有觉得莫斯科太OP了?射程啊,射速啊,炮塔旋转速度啊,口径啊,穿深啊,可以拿舰艏去抗460mm的炮弹啊之类的。她的弱点也只有隐蔽性以及个头太大的问题了吧。

A. I don’t think so.

5b. Have you considered giving US DD’s two different slots for their Engine Boost and Defensive Fire? Since half the time, one of them is useless. For example, three times in a row I chose Defensive Fire but there’s no CV’s in the battles. So I decide to change and take Engine Boost and join a battle with 2 CV’s on each side.
5b. 你们有考虑过把美国驱逐舰的加速和防空消耗品分开在两个槽里面吗?因为有一半的时间,其中一个都是很没用的。举个栗子,我连续三场带了防空,但是战斗中没有航母。所以我换成了加速,下一场就碰见了每边两个CV的房间。

A. We thought about it, but decided not to do it.

6a. How is the battle against bots going? Are you making any progress?
6a. 对抗挂机脚本的事怎么样了?你们有什么进展吗?

A. Bots are not a problem for the game. Currently, we look at all of the reports regarding bots in order to identify their behaviours and prevent the mass appearance of bots in the future.

6b. Do you plan on adding higher tier Soviet BB’s, like for example the class Sevastopol is of, equipped with torpedoes; of course, she wouldn’t compete with Tirpitz but I think she would be fun to sail.
6b. 你们有计划加入更多高阶苏联BB吗,比如有鱼雷的甘谷特级(也作塞瓦斯托波尔级);当然了,这个和提尔皮兹肯定没得比,但是我觉得开起来应该会很好玩。

A. We plan to add many more ships, including Soviet ships.

7. Diana is missing half of her secondary guns (12 x 75mm secondary guns instead of 24). Why don’t you fix it?  [follows a detailed explanation]
7. 狄安娜的副炮少了一半(只有12个75mm的副炮,而不是24个)。为什么不修正这个问题[然后跟了一串很详细的解释]

A. Thank you for your detailed explanation, now I understand your point. I will discuss it with my colleagues and we will give a constructive answer in a post when we’ll have one to share.

8. In the patch notes [mind you, only Russian patch notes because reasons…], it is written Hindenburg‘s engines are immune to be disabled from the explosion of HE shells up to 203 mm of caliber.
8. 在补丁信息中[由于各种各样的原因只有毛文的补丁信息…],你们写了兴登堡的发动机现在免疫203mm以下口径的高爆弹(不会再被打坏了)

Does it mean it includes 203 mm shells? And what happens with Moskva‘s 220 mm shells ? I saw a video where a Moskva disables Hindenburg‘s engines five times in a row. Do you think it’s fair to be unable to move for so long?

A. It includes 203 mm shells (so engines won’t be disabled from 203 mm HE shells).

Yes, Moskva can disable Hindenburg‘s engines. But, on the other hand, she can dish out a lot of damage. By the way, I would recommend you to read the comments on that video and the purpose of this kind of “tests”.

9a. When activating Defensive Fire without any planes around, AA guns still start to fire blindly into the sky. Is it a bug?
9a. 防空消耗品启用的时候,就算旁边没有飞机,AA炮也会对着天上瞎打。这是bug吗?

A. It’s a known issue, we’re in the process of fixing it.

9b. Can Defensive Fire hit allied planes when they come into our AA zone?
9b. 防空消耗品会打中飞进我们AA范围中的友军飞机吗?

A. No, AA normally don’t hit allied planes.

10. You already implemented Dx11 support in WoT and it improved FPS and game stability on many systems. When can we expect Dx11 support in WoWs?
10. 现在WOT已经有DX11的支持了,帧数上升了不少,游戏也变得更加稳定了。WOWS啥时候也来个DX11?

A. We’re constantly working on implementing new technologies aimed at improving graphical fidelity as well as performance. Though, I will say that this process isn’t very fast and easy. There is no reason for us to disclose our current plans in that regards for now, but you will be informed on our progress in the patch notes.

11a. It seems that certain classes of ships have absolutely no chances when fighting certain classes. For example, a high tier BB simply cannot win against a CV if the players are of above average skill. Do you imply that a BB cannot win because it was so historically speaking or is there a balancing process involved in that decision?
11a. 部分船型在面对另一些特定船型的时候手无缚鸡之力。举个栗子,高阶BB在面对一个比平均水平稍微高一些的航母的时候是不可能获胜的。你们这是在暗示史实中BB就干不过航母,还是说这里面有平衡性方面的考虑在?

A. Technically, all things be equal, a ship of one class can fight a ship of another class. However, each ship has its preferred and worst enemies. We try to detect cases where a ship have absolutely no chance against another and fix this situation. On the other hand, we don’t want to give players equal chances when fighting every ship without having to think about whom to engage and whom to fear.

By the way, for all of you Hipper owners, the new Hull C added with the patch prevents some turrets to fire at certain arcs.

Developers have been notified and they will rearrange AA guns so that main turrets have a wider arc of fire. This change will probably come in or

In other news, Yubari may receive her planned improvements in 0.5.7. Emphasize on the word may.

1. Why did you nerf Concealment Expert? Why not add in the description that it affects all kind of concealment modifiers, including the penalty for firing? Why have you decided to nerf so many ships, including premium ships?
1. 你们为什么削弱了隐蔽专家这个技能?你们为什么不在描述中加入一条说这个会影响所有的隐蔽系数,包括开火的惩罚?你们为什么决定要一下子砍掉这么多船,其中还有金币船?

A. We don’t think this change is a nerf to any ship, including premium ships. We simply improved the game logic and, for that matter, this change slightly reduced the ability of certain ships to stealth fire.

I noticed that widespread use of this tactic is not very well received by most players. Concealment should first and foremost be used to move under cover and not attack other players without being seen.

On the other hand, we think this tactic is a valid one and, as you should be aware of, we haven’t made any changes to the penalty for firing, so ships that could stealth fire still retain their buffer zone. It’s just that it was slightly reduced. Concealment expert is still very useful as it reduces the detection range (which was always written in the description).

The following question includes technical aspects I am not familiar with. That is why the terms used may very well be incorrect. I apologize for this.

2. If I understand correctly, water physics aren’t implemented in the game, correct? Could you please explain how water works in game (technically speaking)?
2. 如果我理解的没错的话,水体的物理效果还没有实装进游戏,没错吧?那你们解释下现在游戏中的水到底是怎么回事可以吗(从技术角度来讲)?

A. Fully modeled water physics aren’t implemented. The map base is modeled and drawn with offline tools, and then we add in real time a dynamic sea on top of it. We start by adding wind formed and deformation waves (also those created by guns shockwave), and then, with the resulting waves, we create geometry, the polygon mesh. Finally, we do the shading (reflection, refraction, light attenuation effects, subsurface scattering, shadows, fog).

3. Have you considered adding maps shared with other WG projects, such as the El Halluf map, which can be found in both WoT and WoWp?
3. 你们有考虑过加入WG的其他项目的地图吗,比如WOT和WOWP里面都有的那张艾尔哈罗夫?

A. We currently don’t plan to do that but we’ve already thought about it.

4. What fait awaits Cleveland? What changes can we expect? Will she be transferred into another branch?
4. 克利夫兰会怎么样?到底会怎么改?她会被踹去另一条线吗?

A. For a long time, we considered putting her on a higher tier by giving her some improvements. However, at the current moment, this question is postponed indefinitely. You should not expect any changes regarding this ship in the short or medium term.
4. 我们考虑了很久要不要强化她一波,然后放去更高一级。但是现在的话这个问题要被无限期的推后了。这艘船近期,或者是中期之内都不会有任何改动。

1. Why can’t Tachibana’s third gun rotate all the way around? This issue also concerns several other ships. Fixing this would help them a lot in certain situations.
1. 为什么橘的第三门主炮不能360°旋转?这个问题其他船上也有。解决这个问题可以很大程度的帮助他们。

A. Certain ships turrets cannot rotate all the way around because of technical limitations (by technical, I mean in real life, they couldn’t rotate all the way) but it very well may have been an oversight on our end. We will look into this issue regarding Tachibana and other ships. We will then decide what to do.

2. With AA defense being improved on a lot of ships, why Arkansas wasn’t changed?
2. 很多船的对空属性都Buff了,那为什么阿肯色的没改?

A. We don’t plan to change Arkansas in the near future. Firstly, her AA setup (or rather lack thereof) reflects her historical setup (very early on), secondly, she has a lot more upgrade slots, which balances out this drawback.

3. Do you plan to add some form of punishment to players who misuse the report feature?
3. 你们有计划要加入某种惩罚那些滥用举报系统的玩家的机制吗?

A. No, we currently don’t have any plans in that regard.

4. It happens sometimes that secondaries guns fire at allied ships and because of that, we can turn pink without having any control on how those guns fire. Do you plan to do anything regarding this issue?
4. 有的时候副炮会对队友开火,也会导致我们直接变成粉名,而且我们没办法控制副炮往哪射。你们有计划要修复吗?

A. We already received several reports on this issue. We will look into it and make a decision after that.

5. Why don’t you want to color shell types with different colors? Certain mods already do this. I consider seeing what type of shells are fired on me quite important.
5. 为什么你们不把弹药通过颜色来区分开?部分Mod已经可以做到这一点了。我觉得能看出有人在拿什么炮弹在打我还是挺重要的。

A. It should be possible to implement that. We will develop such feature.

6. High tier US BB’s accuracy seems to be the same as before. Actually the dispersion value hasn’t changed. Is it normal ?
6. 高阶美国BB的精准度好像和以前一样啊,连散布都没改。这是正常的吗?

A. Accuracy is not only tied to size of the dispersion ellipse, but it can also be improved by tweaking the distribution of shells inside the ellipse.

There is little new in the recent getfun digest:

视频地址: https://www.youtube….h?v=hj_va8MAVRA

So I will be brief. He talks about the end of team battles season on June 1st and the start of the ranked battles soon. Ranked battles and team battles will not be on at the same time.

1. The guy (on the RU forum?) who discovered that the 5th level Concealment perk now does not apply to gunfire, AA and fires received the USS Texas as a gift. This information was missing in the 0.5.6 patch notes.
1. 那个(毛服论坛上的?)发现了隐蔽专家这个技能不会应用于开火,对空炮和着火的情况下的玩家收到了德克萨斯作为一份奖励。这条信息没有写在0.5.6的补丁信息中。

2. The developers claim that boting is not as widely spread as players tend to believe. After having analyzed player behavior and bot complains they say that most reported bots are actually (talented) humans.
2. 开发团队宣称脚本并没有玩家所相信的那样被广泛传播了。在分析了玩家的行为以及bot的举报之后,他们表示大部分被举报成挂机脚本的玩家其实都是(很厉害的)人。

3. Finally, 18 notorious AFK players from the RU server got a two week ban.
3. 毛服上有18名出了名的挂机玩家被封了两个礼拜。


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