【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/08


Thanks to Carnotzet.

1. I’m interested to know if the next ship branch will include CV’s? If so, what will be their particularities?
1. 我很好奇,下一条新船线会是CV线吗?如果真的是的话,这条线有什么特色?

A. No. The next ships to be released will be from other classes.

2. It’s no secret that Tashkent is played less frequently in team battles than other DD’s. Couldn’t you give her like a short range radar? Or something else, that would make her more in line with the other DD’s in team battles?
2. 塔什干在组队战中的出场频率比其他DD少已经不是什么秘密了。你们就不能给她加个短距离雷达或者别的什么东西可以让她能够在组队战中和其他DD比肩吗?

A. No, we don’t plan to give her something similar to what you suggested. On the other hand, we plan to give a slight but nice buff to several Soviet DD’s stats, in addition to the partial fix for “turrets getting destroyed when someone sneezes at them”. It should get better. Moreover, team battles is a separate format in which mechanics are different, so it’s quite normal.

3. I wanted to join team battles but couldn’t. Was it linked with my chat ban or is it an error?
3. 我被禁言了,然后就不能参加组队战了,这是故意的呢还是个Bug?

A. Indeed. It’s not an error.

4. Could you please share with us Iwaki Alpha stats regarding her performance now and two patches ago?
4. 请分享一下那艘Alpha玩家才有的岩城的当前版本和两个版本之前的数据和胜率好吗?

A. Win rate: 62.8% => 53.9%

Average damage: 38’000 => 30’000

5. Why isn’t there a medal for detonating enemies, it could be something like Lucky shot?
5. 为什么殉爆别别人没有奖章拿,比如幸运一击之类的?

There’s already a medal for being detonated but not for causing a detonation. With such a medal, players could know straightaway they detonated another ship and could track how many detonation they caused.

A. We’ll think about it. Thanks you for your suggestion!

6. Wasn’t there another way to nerf Kiev than to reduce her HP? It’s not really logical that a ship with more displacement has considerably less HP.
6. 除了削弱基辅的血量以外难道就没有其他办法了吗?一艘排水量更大的船的HP反而少一些这实在是说不过去啊

A. It was an effective way to nerf it. Nevertheless, in the near future, Kiev will be slightly buffed.

7. When will you allow tier 9 ships to take part in team battles?
7. 什么时候才能让9级船进入组队战?

A. It’s not set in stone. We don’t believe that adding tier 9 ships to team battles now will be beneficial. I believe it will come soon, we still need to decide.

8. Many players complain about the delay between detecting a ship and it appearing on the screen. More than once, when I sail with a DD and encounter the same DD (and thus with the same concealment), there’s a 2s delay between the time of detection and the time it appears. I get detected, already see volleys of shells flying at me and only then do I see the DD appear. What’s up with that?
8. 许多玩家在抱怨关于点亮一艘船和这艘船实际出现在屏幕上有时间差的这个问题。我不止一次出现过开DD的时候点亮了和我自己一样的一艘DD(隐蔽是相同的,所以我点亮他他也能点亮我),然而在我点亮他和他出现在我屏幕上有2秒的时间差。我被点亮之后都看到炮弹飞过来了,那艘DD才出现在我屏幕上。这到底是为什么?

A. We’re working on it. This issue is being investigated by our programmers.

Evil_Penguin_ (Russian Moderator) had a stream with Vallter_ (Russian community manager) where the latter answered quite a lot of questions.
Evil_Penguin_(毛服版主)和Vallter_ (毛服社群经理)进行了一次直播,回答了很多问题。(译注:删节了一些日经和没营养的东西)

1. Could you please tell us how far is the development of RN CV’s or German BB’s? If it’s more than 60 percent, then it’s not that bad.
1. 请说下现在英国航母和德国BB的开发进度怎么样了?如果超过60%的话那还是可以接受的

A. As we said in our announcement video for 2016, we will release German BB’s next. I reckon they will come at the end of Summer, beginning of Fall. This is a very broad time line since BB’s are the most time consuming class in terms of modelling. RN CV’s wont come this year, and it’s quite hard to tell when they’ll be released.
答: 就像我们在之前那个2016年的前瞻视频中说的一样,我们会先放出德国的BB。我估计夏末秋初的时候就应该能上线了。这个时间段非常的宽泛,因为BB是建模上最花时间的一个船型。英国的CV今年不会出,而且现在要说到底什么时候出还很难。

2. When will the new ranked season start?
2. 下季天梯啥时候开啊?

A. I understand players are waiting for the new season to start. We still need to analyse all the feedback we have received. The main topic we’re discussing is how to improve ranked battles since, in the previous season, there were some aspects that weren’t successful and that could be reworked. One of the requests was that top players of the losing team don’t lose a star and bottom players of the winning team lose one. It’s certain we will change how stars are earned. The question is to know how it will be done. However, we still need to discuss this since we have to take all the different aspects into consideration. This is not an easy decision because certain roles aren’t rewarded with xp such as when a CV keeps a DD spotted with his planes. So, a player can forfeit his effectiveness in favour of a better chance at victory. That’s why need to think about it; I, for myself, am in favour of top players not losing a star.

3. Will the general format of ranked battles be changed (number of stars needed to advance in ranks, number of players on each team, etc.)?
3. 天梯战的形式会改吗(升级所需要的星星,每队的玩家数量之类的)?

A. We may slightly change some things such as the number of stars needed but, all in all, it will be similar to previous seasons. The 7v7 format won’t change even though the drafting spread may be extended.

5. Will WoWs veterans receive a similar offer as WoT players?
5. WOWS的老玩家会收到和WOT玩家一样的折扣活动吗(1M全局)?

A. It’s only an experiment for now and it will only be kept if it proves to be successful. Several players are complaining that inexperienced players can immediately buy tier 10 ships and ruin games. There are only a few hundreds players who received this bonus and not all of them used it. However, there are complaints about this and it’s unlikely we’ll give such a large bonus to players anymore. Still, we will look at the statistics we’re collecting and depending on the results, we may give a bonus to WoWs players and experienced players from other projects depending, for example, on how long they have been playing the game or how “skilled” they are. We will collect and analyse data during a few weeks still and take a decision when patch 0.5.5. is released.

7. In you opinion, what are the best and worst premium and standard ships in the game?
A. Premium ships
7. 你觉得游戏中最好和最烂的银币跟金币船分别都是什么?

Actually, it’s hard to say. There are certain ships that have a gameplay easily enjoyable such as Tirpitz, Kutuzov or Imperator. On the other hand, there are less easily enjoyable ships that are harder to play with such as Atlanta and Ishizuchi. The premiums that are considered overpowered have unique gameplay options which, at this moment, allows them to win battle more easily. I don’t think there are other ships like the Imperator. Warspite had a good run during the 3rd season (tier 5-7) since she rarely met CV’s and she really shines in such cases. On the other hand, if she must fight against CV’s, since her AA isn’t as great as other ships of her tier, her effectiveness decreases.

Standard ships

Regarding underpowered ships, I would say low tier Russian DD’s since their gameplay is rather difficult to grasp at the moment. That is why they’ll receive slight buffs to their torpedoes in the next updates. I don’t like to play Myoki at all and Karlsruhe is a bad ship in my opinion. But this is all subjective and doesn’t necessarily represent our statistics.

8. What do you think of the Atlanta? In my opinion, her effective range is around 8km since it’s really hard to hit anything other than BB’s at 10km and more.
8. 你们怎么看亚特兰大?我觉得她的有效火力范围就是8公里,在10公里及以上想打中BB以外的东西是很难的。

A. It’s a very unique cruiser that has a lot of firepower at close range but is somewhat lacking at longer range. The biggest problem she has is her turret survivability. But this problem is not only affecting Atlanta, but every other ship. We’re in the process of changing this issue, but I can’t tell you what specific changes we’re planning to make.

9. When can we expect tier 5-8 maps?
9. 啥时候能再看见一张5~8级图?

A. In the next update, we will release two new maps. One of them may be available to tier 5-8 ships. We’ll also release a new variant of North. We like to experiment on that map, so there’s already standard North, Winter North and there will be another one, which should be quite different from the other two. In addition to all of that, we will make slight balance changes to several other maps.

10. Can we expect changes regarding daily missions?
10. 什么时候改日常任务?

A. We don’t plan to change mission rewards. Regarding mission tasks, we need to analyse our data and discuss the matter, but it’s possible we may add something interesting.

11. Are you happy with the statistics regarding fire damage?
11. 你们对于起火伤害感到满意吗?

A. Overall, we’re happy with the situation, since damage done to BB’s is mostly inflicted by shells and not fires. Thus, we don’t think the situation regarding fires is terrible. We’ll still examine our data and if we find something unusual, we’ll make some changes such as decreasing fire duration or fire chance.

12. Would you consider making the game mod free?
12. 你们会考虑让游戏彻底禁用Mod吗?

A. No, since we believe mods are an extension to the game. That’s why we’ve created the game architecture as such as to allow players to easily create mods. The files available to be modded are not critical for the game to run properly. Thus, we have no plans to make the game mod free.

13. Did the radar help counter the torpedo soup (or walls, whatever you prefer)?
13. 雷达有帮助抑制鱼雷汤(或者是鱼雷墙,随便你怎么叫啦)吗?

A. Hard to say, since there aren’t a lot of radar equipped ships at high tiers yet. However, radar wasn’t meant to be the sole solution to the torpedo soup problem. We still need to solve it from a different standpoint, and that is exactly what we plan to do in the next update, by changing certain elements little by little. You will know next week what we concretely plan to do regarding this matter.

14. When can we expect the next Arpeggio missions?
14. 下批苍蓝任务什么时候出?

A. I can’t really tell when they will be released. We have to model the new ships first and since our priority is to release new standard tech-tree ships and we’re currently working on German BB’s, new Arpeggio ships aren’t expected to be available soon.

15. What are you plans regarding personal offers?
15. 对个人折扣有什么计划吗?

A. We’ve already received feedback from the first wave of personal offers and we’re now improving them and testing new offers (which are available to different people) that give a -25% price reduction on various things. It’s hard to say if these offers get a lot of interest, but we’ll see how it goes, and it’s quite likely there will be new offers available at the end of April. For instance, in patch 0.5.5., there will be several important improvements added to this feature and thus we’ll be able to increase the number of players receiving offers.

16. When can we expect Saipan and what will be the requirements?
16. 什么时候能看见塞班,塞班的购买条件又是什么?

A. The requirements will be to have fought 20 battles in CV’s, some of which at tier 5. We made the decision not to base the requirements on kills because we wanted the ship to be available even for less experienced players who are learning how to play CV’s. We believe 20 battles are enough to know the basics of CV gameplay. The main limitation will be the cost – 7500 doubloons. The ship will be available through personal offers in mid/late April.

17. Do you plan to buff Mogami’s and Myoko’s 155mm and 203mm guns?
17. 有计划要Buff最上和妙高的155mm以及203mm炮吗?

A. Unfortunately I’m not the right person you should ask this question to. It’s not that I don’t want to answer, I simply don’t have the answer.

18. Do you plan to release an event similar to Project R?
18. 你们有计划再搞一次和Project R差不多的活动吗?

A. If we were to do it again, it wouldn’t be in the same form as it was, that is for sure. We would need to change the aspects that didn’t work. It wasn’t a complete success, so, we may do it again but I can’t precisely say when that’d be. First, we still need to fix other aspects of the game. What I can say is that we liked the general concept of the event, with the exception of certain details, but it’s unlikely a similar event will be held in the near future.

19. Do you plan to nerf smoke screens?
19. 有计划削弱烟雾弹吗?

A. No. We think this feature is balanced for the time being. It has already considerably been nerfed since beta and it currently doesn’t last too long. Moreover, they are an inherent tool for certain ships tactics. Even if they can be effective in team battles, we do not think they are overpowered.

20. Do you plan to improve Coop mode play and give players taking part in this mode better rewards?
20. 你们有计划改进人机模式吗?有没有计划要提高参与这个模式的玩家的收益?

A. We consider Coop mode more or less as a side activity. However, there’s about 30% of players mainly fighting in coop battles. It’s a good way to get familiar with the game and since it’s so popular, we will develop it further. However, we don’t want to rush it, we have several theories on how to improve it we need to test. For now, I can assure you there will be a PvE mode but coop battles aren’t the only aspect of the game we’re currently working on. We will soon focus on developing PvE mode.

【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/08》上有4个想法

  1. 关于WOWS战绩查询系统的建议,可不可以加入筛选功能,比如只查看PVP场次排序,或者只看某个舰种排序等等,谢谢


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