【WOWS Q&A】2016/04/04 Part.1+2

WoWS Q&A #2 – 4th April 2016

Thanks to Carnotzet.

1. Why was Tirpitz‘s HE shells fire chance reduced from 40% to 34%? What other characteristics of this ship were changed?
1. 为什么提尔皮兹的HE弹的点火几率从40%下调到了34%?这艘船的其他数据也改了吗?

What branches or ships do you plan to add for the 100th anniversary of the battle of Jutland?

A. Tirpitz‘s HE shells characteristics weren’t changed. Why do you suddenly believe it was 40%?

I can’t disclose our plans regarding new ships until an official announcement has been made.

2. Are you happy with DD balance?
2. 你对于驱逐舰的平衡满意吗?

A. No, we’re not. An excessive amount of DD’s in some battles and torpedo walls are bad for the game. Just as spamming torpedoes is dull from a gameplay standpoint. We will solve this problem.

3. It is well known that the Main Battery mod.1 upgrade doesn’t decrease the chance of main batteries being destroyed, only the chance of them being incapacitated. On some ships, in particular Atlanta, main batteries act also as AA. The AA guns mod.1 upgrade increases their survivability. Does that mean that installing the AA guns mod will decrease the chances of main batteries being destroyed?
3. 大家都知道主炮组修改型1并不会降低主炮被打到彻底坏掉的几率,而是只会降低被打到暂时不能用的几率。在部分船上,比如亚特兰大,主炮也承担着对空的作用。但是防空炮修改型1会增加它们的生存能力。那这是不是意味着我选用防空组修改型这个插件会降低主炮被彻底打坏的几率?

A. No. If a gun battery fulfills more than one role, it will be affected by one upgrade only, according to the following rule: Main battery -> secondary battery -> AA. In the case of Atlanta, only main battery upgrades will be taken into account.
答:不会。如果主炮同时承担着多余一个功能的话,它只会受到一个插件的影响,优先级如下:主炮 ->副炮 ->AA炮。亚特兰大的这种情况的话,它的主炮只会受到主炮组修改型的影响。(换句话说假如有副炮也作为AA炮的话,那这个副炮只会受到副炮修改型的影响—译注)

4. On Atlanta, it seems an AA gun is taken off. Why is that? [image link is broken]
4. 亚特兰大上好像少了个AA炮啊?为啥啊?[图片外链失效了]

A. It’s the fire-control system for the 28mm AA guns. It controls the AA mounts (AA guns follow what this system is aiming at, etc.). Its benefits are that it stands apart from the AA mounts and thus isn’t affected by the vibrations and smoke they produce and by all the crew running around.
答:这个是28mm AA炮的火控。是它在控制着这些AA炮(AA炮会瞄准这个东西所瞄准的位置等等)。这么做的好处是它是和AA炮本身分离开的,所以不会受到AA炮产生的烟雾和震动,还有那些跑来跑去的乘员们的影响。

5. When do you plan to add the possibility to tag ships as favourites in port?
5. 你们准备什么时候做可以让玩家在母港内“收藏”一艘船的功能?

A. I don’t know when, but we plan to improve the “carousel”. We would like to add a lot of small useful features such as this, but we have to set priorities first.
答: 不知道,但是我们有计划要对选船的那个界面进行改进。我们也有计划要加入很多类似于这样的很小但是很有用的功能,但是我们要把开发优先级整明白了才行。

6. When will you give players the possibility to purchase premium ships with doubloons?
6. 你们什么时候才能让玩家通过金币来买金币船?

A. We will expand the selection of ships purchasable in game. However, certain ships will only be available in the premium shop and may not appear in the in-game shop at all, and if they do, it will be after a long delay. The premium shop needs to have some exclusives.
6. 我们会增加游戏内可以拿金币买的船只的选择面的。然而部分船还是会作为网上商店限定,而且有可能永远都不会出现在游戏内,就算要出的话也要等很长时间。金币商店总得有点专属内容不是吗。

7. Do you plan to improve the CV interface? After all, it hasn’t changed since beta.
7. 你们有计划改进航母的界面吗?自从Beta开始就没改过啊。

A. I cannot reveal our plans in details, but we plan to rework the CV interface. We will work on it after we have finished our work on the basic combat interface.

8. Do you plan to buff tier 9-10 US DD’s? Their average damage is really low.
8. 你们有计划去Buff9~10级的美国DD吗?平均伤害太低了。

A. No, we won’t. They are capable and versatile ships.

Fletcher: 2nd place in terms of win ratio, 1st in K/D ratio, 2nd in damage done.

Gearing: 1st place in win ratio, 1st in K/D ratio, 3rd in damage done.

And the differences are rather small.

9. Developers said before that high tier gameplay (balance, economy, etc.) wasn’t a priority. Have you changed your stance on this?
9. 开发团队曾经说过高阶战斗的游戏性(平衡啦,经济模型啦等等)的开发优先级不是很高。你们对此的看法有改变过吗?

A. We’ve already started to change certain things. We’re experimenting with a new economy system for high tiers (20% reduction on repairs).

We will try to continue on this path in order to further develop this aspect of the game, which may not attract a lot of players but is still important for us. In the end, if we ignore high tier gameplay, most players will not be interested to reach those tiers.

10. What is the accuracy penalty of DB’s when they are attacked by planes? Is there a penalty difference between catapult and CV planes?
10. 舰爆在被飞机攻击的时候,精度惩罚是多少?而且被舰战或者水上机打的时候有区别吗?

What is the damage reduction of Soviet cruisers torpedo belts?

A. They have 25% reduced accuracy if they are panicked. There’s no difference between the two types of planes.

Soviet cruisers don’t have a torpedo belt. Only Donskoy (15.9% damage reduction) and Moskva (27%) have one.


1. What do you plan to do with nerfed premium ships? [Long description of a battle in a Tirpitz. Long story short, the player complains about not receiving enough credits.]
1. 你们对于那些削弱了的金币船要怎么做?[很长的一段关于提尔皮兹的一场战斗的描述。总结一下就是这玩家抱怨自己拿到的银币不够。]

A. It’s not that bad for the Tirpitz. Let’s review her stats.

  • She doesn’t experience walls of torps as often as tier 9-10 ships.
  • She has a good rudder shift time.
  • Her AA is worse than North Carolina‘s but better than Amagi‘s.
  • Her popularity is on par with overpowered BB’s.
  • She has the highest win ratio among all tier 8 BB’s.
  • It’s the best among all ships for farming credits (with or without premium account).

In good battles, she can earn close to 1 million credits.

2. – Do torpedo belts reduce flooding damage?

– If a torpedo hits the torpedo belt, does the damage vary depending on the place it hit (higher damage on the edges, lower in the center)?

– What happens when a shell hits the torpedo belt (when the ship is turning hard)? Is the belt damage reduction taken into account?

– Do torpedo belts have hit points? If enough damage is inflicted to the torpdeo belt, is the damage reduction decreased?

– How much is AP shells penetration reduced when they hit water (in case of undewater hits)?

– What does the turning circle value shown in port represent?

A. – No, they only affect torpedo damage and chance of flooding. Moreover, this only comes into effect if the torpedo hits the torpedo belt (not somewhere else).

– The place where the belt was hit doesn’t matter.

– Against shells, torpedo belts act as additional armour.

– No, they don’t have hit points.

– I cannot disclose this information.

– It represents the turning radius of a ship sailing at full speed with the steering gear set at maximum. Moreover, it takes into account that the ship is already turning (and not starting to turn).

3. Do you plan to add radar to German and IJN cruisers?
3. 你们有计划给德国和日本巡洋舰也加上雷达吗?

A. No. At the moment, it’s exclusive to US and Soviet cruisers.

4. Would you consider removing the possibility of fire for HE shells that don’t penetrate? If it would cause a balance problem, you could then increase their fire chance. [BB player complaining he’s lit on fire too often]
4. 你们能不能移除掉非击穿的HE会造成起火这个设定?如果这会导致一些平衡性问题的话,你们直接增加起火几率就好了吧[这是个BB玩家在抱怨他太容易被打着火了]

A. It’s very unlikely. I’m not keen on this idea. It would compel us to do considerable rebalancing work. The current fire mechanics are fine for now. Let’s not forget that BB’s can take quite a pounding and still repair a considerable portion of that damage.

5. Is radar affected by the targeting module upgrade?
5. 雷达会被目标捕获系统修改型影响吗?

A. No. The radar overwrites the ship current guaranteed acquisition range.

6. When taking the Torpedo Acceleration skill, it seems that my torpedo reticle (on a ship with 10km torps, 8km with the skill) goes up to 10km. Is it a bug?
6. 在点了鱼雷加速技能以后,我的鱼雷准星(射程是10km,但是点了技能会变成8km)还是会伸长到10km。这是Bug吗?

A. The torpedo reticle is not limited by the range of your torpedoes; it hasn’t any range limit.


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