【Developer Q&A】2015/07/06


Here it is:

– The HD M10 Panther doesn’t have the star on the side of the turret it had in real life because that spot is reserved for player customization decals;

– SP.I.C. was actually brought to the developers by a player (from German community) directly along with all the data needed to implement it;
SP I.C是由一名玩家(德国社群的)向开饭团队做出的提议要实装的,他顺便给出了所有需要把这辆车加进游戏所需要的数据

– The story basically is that there was no conspiracy against SPIC (when choosing the AFK Panther for tier 7 LT), the developers didn’t simply know about it. In the connection to that, there is most of the times no point in proposing any vehicle changes or anything like that on the forums (especially not the non-RU one but in the end it doesn’t matter) – developers won’t ever see that unless they get a private message from someone about it. In the SPIC case, it went so that the data were transferred directly and privately from the player to the developers without anyone posting anything anywhere. This however is a rare case and not available to everyone (otherwise the developers would drown in bad proposals like they do on forums);
整个故事是这样的,并不是说开饭团队不喜欢SP I.C所以一开始不做它(弄德国7级轻坦的时候就做了侦查豹),开饭团队只是不知道而已。不仅如此,大多数时间在论坛上直接说要换车或者说要改动是没什么意义的(尤其是在毛服论坛之外地方说要怎样怎样—但是其实都差不多,毛服论坛情况好不到哪去)开饭团队是看不到那些帖子的,除非有人直接私聊他们说让他们看一眼。在SP I.C这件事中呢,所有的数据都是直接从玩家那边传给了开饭团队,没有其他人看到过这些数据。然而这种事情出现的概率也很低,并不是每个玩家都能这么做的(不然的话开饭团队就会被论坛上那些垃圾提案所淹没了)

– Yuri Pasholok on how historical should the tanks in WoT be: “Let me put it this way… historicity should end as soon as it starts interfering with gameplay. Historicism in the game is how the tank looks and sounds. This is where you can put certain effort to a degree. Then again, putting too much effort into external appearance is also not not necessary. In most cases, the modelling is performed by people who don’t care whether it’s a tank or an elf girl in thongs. They have never seen a tank or they did see some broken ass one in some kind of basic military training or on a pedestal. Regardless, they don’t know how it looks inside. Generally it’s very contradictory. For me personally it should be a symbiosis of gameplay and historicity in which paper tanks fit well amongst the rest. If you have to nerf of buff armor within reason – why not.”
Yuri Pasholok对于WOT中的坦克到底要多史实才行这件事的说法:“我这么说…史实应该在它影响到游戏性的那一瞬间就被放弃。游戏中的历史主义是决定了这辆坦克看上去跟听上去怎么样。我们可以在这些地方下一点功夫。但是下太多功夫也是没必要的。因为在大多数情况中,坦克的模型都是那些随便怎么样都行,也不管到底建模出来的是个萌妹子还是坦克的人建模的。他们从来没看见过坦克,或者说在基础军事训练的时候看到过那些破破烂烂的,要么就是在雕像上看见过。不管怎么说,它们不知道坦克里面长的什么样子。总的来说这事是很矛盾的。我个人而言(史实性)应该是和游戏性共存的,而那些只有纸面文档的坦克的史实性又和其它坦克差不多。而如果想要在合理的范围内砍一下或者是Buff一下装甲的话—为什么不这么做呢。”

– There is an ugly stone in Himmelsdorf that blocks players, it will be removed:

【Developer Q&A】2015/07/06》上有5个想法


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