【Developer Q&A 】2013/5/14, 5/15 — R2D2


翻译: [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6227087]

– according to EU “developer” Quasar, 8.7 might bring a tier 8 medium premium tank

– the CW event is taking shape: it is confirmed that lowtier tanks will have a place within it

– SerB states that while vehicles are sorted in the team list by MM weight, in case of equal weight, they are sorted alphabetically, but some mods mess this sorting up

– it’s unclear whether the random/company player stats split will happen after all

– AMX-13/105 won’t appear in WoT

– the roles of Chinese tank crews (where sometimes a commander acts as a radioman and sometimes it’s the loader) won’t be unified

– in 0.8.6, champion companies will have arty up to tier 8, the medium tier company will have arties up to tier 6 and junior companies up to tier 4

– tier point limits for companies won’t change in 0.8.6

– compensations for players who specialized in one type of arty (for companies etc.), which gets changed are not planned
对于那些为打联队对某辆火炮进行了特殊配置的人,即使8.6火炮修改后这辆车不再适合打联队,也不会有任何补偿。 (思路有多奇葩才能提出这种要求…)

– press accounts are not transferrable (eg. they are not allowed to be played by other people than the journalists)
媒体专用的游戏帐号不允许共享。 (只能由拥有帐号的记者本人专用。)

– the “ghost” houses on A3 in Live Oaks are apparently bugs

– it’s possible maps in various times of the day (dusk, dawn, night, day) are possible, won’t be implemented for now
地图有可能根据实际时间改变其天色 (黎明、黄昏、白天、夜晚等),不过现在还不会推出这项功能。

– WoT Blitz doesn’t have arty, because its maps are too small
《坦克世界:闪电战》 (一个WG做的移动平台版坦克游戏) 里没有火炮,因为地图太小了。

– WoT now apparently has an anti-botting mechanism implemented, nothing will be disclosed about it

– modern tanks will never be implemented, SerB stated that for modern tanks (from the 1960’s till now), a whole different game would have to be made

– apparently there was some cybersports account named Cyber_Sport_Federation, punished with 7 days for fixing battles (SS: I am not into cybersports, but I can find out more if anyone is interested)

– tanks in platoons don’t have bigger MM weight than without them

– players with high winrates are NOT being put by the MM mechanism to the bottom of the team more often

– Q: “What will happen to VK2801 in 0.8.6 in connection with the HEAT nerf? It’s not fun to drive a scout without a gun…” A: “Don’t drive a scout without a gun then.” (SS: VK2801 in 0.8.6 gets a 105mm HEAT nerf, but also a depression nerf from -10 to -8)

– the Leopard 1 ammorack positions are historical

– archievements for travelling certain distance with a tank are apparently not planned

– it’s not certain that captured tanks will appear only after historical battles

– apparently the increased E-25 L/70 penetration is just arbitrary, not historical

翻译: [http://bbs.ngacn.cc/read.php?tid=6229956]
– Confirmed from supertest: developers now have a new way how to detect present mods (illegal mods) from replays for the whole battle (eg. if you report a cheater by a ticket, devs have a way of telling what mods is he using) – for now it’s not automatized

– devs are not consulting gameplay issues with players, because all they get is whining

– the amount of credits for losses won’t be lowered and for victories won’t be increased – devs thought about it long time ago, but decided the current balance is just fine and the company mode proved that such a thing is irrational
战败的银币收入不会再减低,胜利的银币收入也不会再升高 —— 开发人猿很久以前考虑过这问题,最后还是决定维持现状。另外联队模式证明了这种(战胜方额外拿到战败方一半收益)的设定不合理。

– it’s possible the difference between winners and losers income in companies will be lowered

– according to SerB, Gaijin War Thunder tanks don’t have much chance to beat World of Tanks (“Don’t hold your breath”)
SerB认为战争雷霆击败坦克世界的机会不大。 (SerB用了一个俄文定句,意义相当于英文的Don’t hold your breath,表示说话者认为某件事不大可能发生。)

– with the new camos, players who already bought camos won’t get gold/credits back to buy the new ones
新的涂装推出后,已经买了涂装的人也不可能得到退款以便改买新的涂装。 (要多脑残才能问出这种问题)

– Storm on WoT conspiracy theories: “It’s the same as in real life. Real life also has enough conspiracy nuts. According to them, the “reds” are to blame for everything, or the “whites”, or the “greens”. ”

– Ersatz Panther will get the US stars, but won’t get the US camos

– WoT for Linux will definitely not come. It’s not decided yet, whether there will be WoT for Mac

– British arty will come this year

– it’s unknown, whether the Japanese will make it this year

– 2nd German TD branch this year? “Everything’s possible”


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