112 and IS-6 comparison — tg金币车横向对比-6(obj252)

SS: I got this by mail, I hope you enjoy it

Author: Awesomecaek/M1ll4n (Czech community, EU)

Let me sum up the soft stats. Direct comparison to IS-6.

The Chinese has:


+ Better aiming time (3.1 vs 3.4)
+ Better accuracy on the move (0.21 vs 0.23)
+ Better turret traverse speed (26 vs 24)
+ Better standard AP shell movement speed (900m/s vs 790m/s)
+ Far superior premium shell – 300mm penetration HEAT vs 217mm penetration APCR
+ Higher shell capacity (45 vs 30)

– Whopping 0.3 seconds longer reload (12 seconds instead of 11.7 – whopping 117DPM drop)
– Whopping 3 degrees worse max elevation (+17 degrees instead of +20 degrees, depression stays the same).


+ Higher top speed (45km/h vs 35km/h)
– Slightly worse HP/ton ratio (12,69hp/ton vs 13.67hp/ton), however
+ Better braking force (46000 vs 39500), and
+ Much better terrain resistance (1/1.1/2.2 vs 1.2/1.5/2.3), so
Eventually, it’s faster AND more agile than IS-6 everywhere except maybe softest surfaces

+ Better view range (380m vs 350m)
+ Better radio range (who cares honestly)
+ Lower chance roll on immediate on-hit engine combustion (0.12 vs 0.15)

– Lower module health (Engine being the biggest difference, 260 vs IS-6s 370, other modules ~10% difference – 200hp ammoracks vs 220hp ammoracks).

To this, add, the armor.

Frontally, the 112 has thicker upper glacis (120mm vs 100mm) with no (90mm and 80mm) weakspots on it, unlike IS-6. It has significantly weaker power glacis (80mm) and it’s a viable weakspot, but it’s small and low placed.

The turret has 240mm thick front with 240mm thick mantlet, which has 150mm thick armor layered under most of it’s thickness (so a big part of the front of the turret is 390mm thick). IS-6’s front turret is entirely 150mm thick with two cupolas as well (albeit smaller). IS-6’s mantlet is 150mm thick, and has less overlap with the turret than the 112’s mantlet.

All in all, 112 has significantly better frontal armor than IS-6.

Lastly, IS-6 has better side and back armor, all around 100mm, with some good sloping, and with 30mm falseboard. 112 has 80mm all around with less sloped space (which will still definitely ding something here and there) and with less space covered with falseboard, along with 60mm butt.

Now, let me point out IS-6 is currently statistically the best performing tier 8 premium heavy, when player skill levels get taken into account (noobmeter.com).

If they release this vehicle as it is, it will utterly dominate other tier 8s, premiums or not. It has very few disadvantages over already greatly successful IS-6, while boasting hefty advantages.

All we can do is pray that WG didn’t skip their morning vodka and this thing will receive a SERIOUS nerf, before it gets offered openly. I for one think that it could still be good tank with 3,5RPM instead of it’s current 5RPM. That’s how fucking good it looks like, so far.

112 and IS-6 comparison — tg金币车横向对比-6(obj252)》上有1个想法


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