0.8.6 supertest hightier penetration nerfs – 我们来砍穿深吧


0.8.6 supertest hightier penetration nerfs

Hightier penetration nerfs, courtesy of Crazytony0
T57: Penetration: 258/340/60                           269/381/60
T110E5: Penetration: 258/340/60                    269/381/60
Patton mk3: Penetration: 268/330/53              268/350/53
T110E4: no pen changes                                295/375/90
T-62A: Penetration: 264/330/50                       264/350/50
IS-7: Penetration:250/303/68                           260/303/68
IS-4: Penetration: 258/340/68                          268/400/68
Object 268: no pen changes                           303/450/90
Object 263 no pen changes                            290/330/75
Maus: no pen changes                                    246/311/65
E-100: no pen changes                                   235/334/85–15cm KwK 44 L/38
E-50M: Penetration:270/330/60                       270/350/60
Leopard 1: Penetration:268/330/53                 268/350/53
Jpz E-100: no pen changes                            299/420/85
AMX 50B: Penetration:257/325/65                  267/351/65
Batchat: Penetration:259/330/53                    259/360/53
Foch 155: no pen changes                             293/408/90
FV4202: no pen changes                                268/210/105
FV215b: Penetration: 259/326/120                 269/352/120
FV215b 183: no pen changes                         310/275/92
121: Penetration: 258/340/68                          268/400/68
113: Penetration: 249/340/68                          257/400/68
IS-2: no pen changes                                      175/300/61

So, to sum it up: it looks like APCR and HEAT has been nerfed for all tier 10 meds and heavies (except for German heavies) by roughly 20, and AP for those who had more then 250 pen by 10.Another comment from ApplesauceBandit (US server) (thanks for letting me use that 3dmodels account, mate):

non-Chinese tier 10 meds: now 330mm pen
American 120mm guns: now 340mm pen
American 105mm derp: now 101.6mm pen
American 75mm derp: now 91.4mm pen
USSR 76mm derp: now 75mm pen (you may as well just use AP in it at this point)
USSR 122mm derp: now 140mm pen
USSR 152mm TD:  now 250mm pen (buffed!)
USSR M62 122mm gun: now 340 pen
German 75mm derp: now 87mm pen
German 105mm derp: now 104mm pen
French 75mm derp: now 91.4mm pen
British 120mm APCR got nerfed to 326mm pen
French 120mm APCR got nerfed to 325mm pen
Chinese 130mm and big 122mm (not the USSR copy): now 340mm pen

KV-2 now has 2 different AP rounds, with the new one being a 136mm pen AP round.  E-100 and other tanks not mentioned did not have any HEAT pen changes.

Do note that I never checked for changes in damage or RoF.  They were the same on the Panzer IV with the 105, but I don’t want to check everything else.  Also, this may not be everything as it looks like some APCR is getting nerfed too.


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