0.8.6 VK2801 and A-Panther changes

Source:  gamemodels3d

You might be “happy” to know that the VK2801 gets nerfed.
Specifically: its depression gets nerfed by 2 degrees from -10 to -8 and the 105mm HEAT shells get the same nerf penetration nerf as the Panzer IV – from 150 to 104.
你可能很”开心” 正太豹vk2801被砍刀了!
重点: 俯角砍2度,由 -10°变成-8°, 105Heat蛋的穿深由150 砍刀 到 104!

Furthermore, the 105mm shell price is changed also: the 105mm derp shells (for all vehicles) get twice as expensive (from 60 to 120), with the HEAT shell price moving from 7g to 10g.
105管子的弹药费也涨价了, 金币弹由7金涨到10金, 银币蛋由60涨到120

Aufklärungspanzer Panther gets buffed tho:

It’s MM weight gets reduced (from 32,4 to 27), it gets 50 HP more (from 950 to 1000), but the price will increase by 40k. Tracks will get a slight HP buff and the Konish will get an aimtime buff (from 2s to 1,7s). Furthermore, the Konish silver ammo price will be halved.
侦查豹的MM[MatchMaking]从32.4降到27!, HP由现在的950增加到1000, 但是涨价到4万银币一台! 履带增加少量hp, 75mmKonish炮的瞄准时间2秒缩短到1.7秒!银币弹药价格减少一半

Oh yea, and Leopard 1 (apart from the 20 pen nerf for HEAT shells) gets better MM weight too: from 120 to 100 (the MM weight for E-50M stays at 120 tho).
豹I除了Heat的穿深减少20以外, MM 从120减少到100, (E-50M的MM仍然是120)


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