– the situation with the alleged premium account buff got complicated, Storm debunked SerB’s information that thee will be PA buffs. Confusing.
Storm指出昨天SerB所说的给VIP账户更多的优惠政策会导致buff VIP帐号,目前这计划又变的复杂起来了
– all the armor calculations are done server-side
– there is a chance the Leopard 1 will be made lower (historically, according to Storm, it should be 2400mm tall, at this moment in game it’s 2480mm tall)
– as previously reported by FTR, 8.5 has been confirmed for Thursday on RU server, which means EU/US will follow possibly next week Tuesday/Wednesday.
之前的QA提及,俄服的0.8.5将在周四4.18日开放, 欧服/美服可能与下周3或4开放
On the topic of 8.6 arties, I tried to get into the bottom of them, whether they are historical and if yes, what can we expect.
The Soviet one is historical, it’s one of the SU-14 prototypes (SU-14-1). According to some hints I have read on RU forum, it might be implemented below the SU-14 itself and have worse weaponry. It was stated it won’t be faster or more maneuverable.
The German one is still as far as I can tell a fake. There IS a source, Guderian himself mentions an “Elefant” with a 210mm mortar, but no other reputable sources (Doyle, Spielberger) mention any project like that I think. What I think happened is – as it did many times in history – someone confused two Elefants. You see, the name “Elefant” was used (officially) for the improved Ferdinand tank destroyers… but also (unofficially) for a Czechoslovak 220/210mm mortar project GrW 69 “Elefant”, which had nothing to do with the Porsche Elefant chassis, it was just a name (credits go to Zarax for making me aware of this). The Elefant mortar was bored 210mm, Wargaming’s GW Elefant is equipped with a 210mm mortar… see where I am going?
元首的新炸逼,SS说可能是假消息. 据Guderian称,210mm管子的自走象没有其他可靠来源证明, SS认为可能弄混了2个象式,官方使用的象式是指改进版的废铁南, 非官方是指捷克斯洛伐克的220/210mm的迫击炮(点我看图:GrW 69 “Elefant”),后者与保时捷象木有半毛钱关系.
Someone somewhere (maybe even Guderian himself) possibly confused the Elefant mortar and Elefant tank destroyer and gained impression there was supposed to be a mortar mounted ON the Elefant chassis. Such confusion is not uncommon after all, we have many cases where someone made something up or got confused and it stuck and it is even commonly used now, despite being unhistorical (examples: Jagdpanzer 38t called “Hetzer”, M36 called Jackson and so on).
有些人(甚至Guderian自己)可能把象式搞混了,以为有基于象式的炸逼.身边搞混的事情多了去了,尽管不是史实也这样将错就错(举个栗子:Jagdpanzer 38t 叫“追猎者”,M36叫杰克逊等)
The French one – nothing is known. I asked several people, known to know stuff about French vehicles (notably Souroy via Okinoshima), noone has heard of a Batchat artillery based on M47 Patton chassis.
法国炸逼: 没啥消息, SS说问了很多人都不知道,而且他们都没听说过基于M47巴顿底盘的查查轮炸逼