– there will be no further (stricter) arty hardcap per battle
– various historical battles might have various XP/credit rewards
– there is further material available on more British heavies and mediums (to be implemented)
– in connection with tier 10 arty introduction, the company vehicle tier limits for various vehicles will be re-worked, but the sum of points for each company time most likely won’t
– the overall amount of arties per team in high tier battles should decrease with 0.8.6
– dynamic objects (apart from fallen trees) have no influence on visibility, eg. if a small tank hides behind a big one, it can be spotted as if the big one was not there
– there are no plans to modify the MM, so one side doesn’t have more premium vehicles than the other
– the reason there won’t be any free arty given in 0.8.6 is that the devs don’t want to increase the amount of arty even further
– 100 percent crew training for credits won’t be implemented, as it has no influence on battle outcome
– popularity of a tank by itself is no reason for that tank to be buffed (eg. extremely unpopular tanks won’t get buffed just because players don’t like them)
– turret being ripped off by explosions effect will come soon apparently
– more XP (but not credits) is awarded for doing damage to enemy tanks of tier higher than you
Random news: Overlord admitted it would have been better to do the 2nd anniversary hangars differently (not as shared for USA and EU server) – maybe next time, guys.