关于VK4502B的替换(Typ 205)


Source: Wotleaks VK

Hello everyone,

in one of the upcoming patches, completely unhistorically buffed tier 9 VK4502 Ausf.B (the rear turret variant) will be replaced by a Maus prototype. The vehicle is already modelled, according to supertesters. An info from supertest (from Wotleaks) states that the vehicle’s name is “Typ 205/1″ – I am not quite sure that is necesserialy true (the name, anyway), but whatever. The vehicle looks roughly like this:
在之后的某个补丁中,被非史实的Buff过的⑨级车VK4502 B型(炮塔后置的那个)会由一辆鼠式原型车来替换掉。根据超测玩家的说法,这辆车已经建模好了。超测来的(Wotleaks传出来的)消息是这辆车的名字是“Typ 205/1”—我不知道这是不是真的(至少名字是不是),随它去了。这辆车看起来大概是这个样子的:

Yes, that is a (rather short) 15cm gun on tier 9. And no, if you are wondering whether that cupola on the top is a major weakspot – it’s actually 200mm thick, so probably not that major. The frontal plate is (as far as I remember) as thick as the Maus one. Model leak is possible to appear very soon.

If you are wondering, what’s going to happen with the VK4502 – as far as I know, it’s going to be removed (for now), it’s possible it might appear later as an alternative hull to VK4502 Ausf.A – or as a premium tank (definitely no “free premium” though).
如果各位在担心VK4502的命运的话—据我所知它会被移除掉(至少现在是),之后有可能会作为VK 4502 A的可选车身出现—或者作为金币车再次出现(但是肯定不会再有“免费金币车”了)

关于VK4502B的替换(Typ 205)》上有1个想法


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