

Source: http://maiorboltach.livejournal.com/31767.html

Hello everyone,

yesterday in the evening, Russian Galaxy TV hosted a “Fog of War” show with Aleksei “Orc” Plotnikov (a WG developer, responsible for Clanwars) and Maiorboltach did make a summary again. Here’s what was said.
昨天晚上,毛子的Galaxy TV和Aleksei “Orc” Plotnikov搞了一个“战争迷雾”的节目(这人是WG的开发团队成员之一,负责领土战的),Maiorboltach又搞了一份总结。以下为内容: 

– develolopers are working on missions for Clanwars. There are two types: for beginner clans of the “get certain amount of XP during landings”, “get a province with income higher than X” or “hold province for X turns” and for strong clans, such as “capture province X in Y turns”. They will be rewarded either by gold or by “other stuff”

– developers are not planning for now to introduce assist damage for knocking out enemy player’s engine

– current 9.6 test round has a bug not allowing you to activate medkits or repair kits. It will be fixes (SS: it was hotfixed this morning)

– the clan portal is constantly being developed, for example recently they added the stronghold info

– the tanks, that are given to supertesters and developers for testing are removed from them after the testing is over (this rule is same for supertesters and devs), but the tanks stay in their statistics, simply for the collection of info purposes

– ISU-130 will be handed to “WoT activists”, it will be as unique as the supertester T-44-122 tank. A regular player cannot get this tank, apart from the cases where they “help” Wargaming in various things (like being a moderator) (SS: WG RU forums have a cadre of “helper” assistant players on forums, that answer newbie questions)

– new IM season will come “when it’s done”, initially it was said that it would take cca half a year
新的独立任务会“when it’s done”之后再出,一开始他们说应该是半年一次

– for now, there are no plans to return SU-76I to the shop

– developers and supertesters will be able to test the tier 8 FV4202 as soon as 9.6 on live servers

– Chieftain switch: “when it’s done it’s done”
酋长的替换:“when it’s done it’s done”

– currently, for Strongholds, developers are working on the air recon, smokescreen consumables, bunkers and minefields. The level of smokescreen will probably influence its area (size), its duration and possibly its density (how much it affects the viewrange). Minefield level will possibly influence density of mines, the area size as well as mine damage. Air recon will, depending on the level, probably have different duration, raidus of spotted area. Bunkers will have three variants: turrets of KV-2, E-100 and one more tank. All these features will come neither in 9.6 nor 9.7. And of course, everything can change, it’s being tested now.

– “sufficient” amount of stuff does not pass supertest based on supertester feedback

– “Ork” doesn’t like the Battle Assistant mod, he thinks it’s uncomfortable

– products with WoT brand are not released by Wargaming itself but by a producer after signing a contract with Wargaming.

– matchmaker 3.0 does NOT mean that balancing of teams by vehicle tiers will disappear, that was just some “rumor”. The only thing that we know is that the tanks will be balanced by their “role in combat”. This is however still “Work in Progress”.



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