WT E-100和GW E系列被替换的消息


I’ll be brief.

Just returned from meeting with Yuri Pasholok here in Prague. He is quite nice in real life and so are his colleagues. It was really interesting. Have to settle my thoughts and then think of whether to write anything or not.
刚刚在普拉格和Yuri Pasholok他们开完会。现实生活中这人还是挺好的,他的同事也是。会议很有意思。我首先要镇定下来,然后想想要不要写点什么。

Anyway… this one I can’t keep for myself anyway, plus several people got told already, so I might as well tell.

The potential (not completely agreed, but very likely) replacement for the WT E-100 isWaffenträger Panther with a MASSIVE 15cm gun (very long, L/64 or so). No autoloader, very thin armor. As for the shape, as far as I could see there were several variants, one of which is practically identical to the current ingame GW Panther. Just think GW Panther with longer gun, that’s a TD and not an artillery. The gameplay will be similiar to the WT PzIV.
候选的(并不一定就是它,但是可能性很高)替换掉WT E-100的车是豹式武器运输车,主炮是一杆很大的15cm炮(很长,L/64还是什么的)。没有弹夹,装甲很薄。从外形上来看的话有很多变种,其中一个和游戏内现在的GW豹炮很像。大概就想象成豹炮的外形,然后主炮换成更长的一根,这就是TD了。游戏性方面会和四号武器运输车差不多。

The plans are historical, it’s not a fake – they were found in Bundesarchiv. Saw them, don’t have them and wouldn’t publish them even if I did (not my property).

Oh yea, and they want to replace the fake GW E-100 with GW Tiger (of sorts, the superstructure is different) with 305mm mortar (Czechoslovak Škoda B20 actually). Alpha ftw! 🙂
哦还有,他们想要把虚构的GWE炮也给换下去,顶它位置的是GW虎炮(某种程度上说是的,因为战斗室不一样),主炮用的是305mm榴弹炮(事实上是捷克斯洛伐克的Škoda B20)。单发伤害屌破天了!

WT E-100和GW E系列被替换的消息》上有5个想法

  1. 没了弹夹装甲薄如纸,这车是想和大白兔钢正面还是和和美国TD玩伸缩?有炮塔的话那还好……丧心病狂……楼上加一我要秒老鼠


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