【Developer Q&A 】2014/09/27


– as Storm mentioned in his stream, the developers have an internal map, on which they are testing various new technologies. This map is based on Abbey – it was selected because it is a mixed type, it has a city part and three clear directions of attack. This map is however internal (a testbed) and will not be implemented.

– new map features (new landscape render, improved water render, completely reworked tree render, changed lighting, new texturing techniques, new textures) ETA? “Everything depends on how the tests will go and how they will reflect on performance.”

– the fact you can destroy enemy tanks in the upcoming Chaffee races is intentional (SS: as in, fighting is as important as racing)

– the Chaffee SPORT XP will not turn into free XP, it will be tied to T1 Cunningham

– the Chaffee SPORT crew will be transferred at the end to the barracks even if there are not enough slots (free slots won’t be given however)

【Developer Q&A 】2014/09/27》上有5个想法


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