【Developer Q&A 】2013/3/15, 3/16, 3/17, 3/18


– teamkills committed by arty will not be punished stricter than regular teamkills (SS: a light tank player was complaining about the arty ordering him what to do and teamkilling when he doesn’t do it)

ASU-85 will not be introduced apparently

– the amount of shells left in your ammo rack does not influence the chance for ammorack explosions (SS: but if the rack is completely empty, it can’t explode – that’s one exception)
殉爆機率和彈藥量木有啥關係(SS:不过沒彈藥了絕對不會炸~ ~)

– 6th sense (and other perks apparently) work even if the crew is not trained to 100 percent (SS: for example when re-training crew from vehicle 1 to vehicle 2 for silver, if vehicle 1 crew has 100 percent 6th sense perk training and gets re-trained to 75 percent basic training, the perk will still work)

– hardcore mode was scrapped – SerB: “Noone needs this garbage. Everyone wants it really badly, but practically noone plays it – that can be seen on other projects.”
硬汉模式流产鸟. SB说:没有需要这种垃圾模式…虽然很多人说想玩,但是没人想去玩.去看看其它游戏就知道了

– there won’t be AI driven bots in near future

– there is no “okay, that’s enough”, regarding the amount of vehicles for respective nations
我们不会说”哦~可以了,新车够多了不出新车了” — 科技树1.5个月粗一条线的事么

– when you hit a drowned tank, the damage doesn’t count to your total damage done

– shooting drowning tanks has a reason only to give you extra silver, it won’t punish them more, they will already pay full repair costs

– damage awarded for lighting up a target is distributed evenly between all the scouts lighting the target at the time of damage

– SerB doesn’t think the tier 7 premium T-44A will be a fail

– HEAT shells (when hitting the engine module) do not have an increased chance to set it on fire, same goes for ammo rack

– the amount of XP needed to train 3+ skills on the crew won’t be reduced (“it’s set so that you have to choose”)

– no plans to introduce a research transition from arties to regular tanks

Also, Storm made an article about graphics on the developer blog, where he asks players, what they think of them. Not too much info can be gleaned from it, but some bits perhaps. Please note that I don’t understand graphic terms, so some translations might be off.

– shadows won’t return to the old render

– old render won’t be optimalized, devs won’t touch it at all, all the new features will be introduced to the new one

– trees can heavily reduce FPS even on good computers, if that happens, Storm recommends lowering the tree quality
就算你的电脑再好,树也能导致FPS严重下降。Storm 建议调低树木的显示效果。

– Ruinberg streets will be flattened (SS: in 8.5 I think)

Overlord also provides some pieces of information: Overlord说了点别的东西
– arty will definitely not be removed from the game (I wonder why people still ask that)
– the issue with arty hardcap is long waiting time


– according to Yuri Pasholok, there was a plan for an artillery vehicle based on the IS-4 chassis, but no details were discovered
Yuri Pasholok说,苏联有过IS4底盘火炮的计划,不过没有更多的细节

– additional equipment/consumable slots are not planned, not even for gold

– according to SerB, things get sometimes forgotten in the patchnotes
SerB说补丁里少说一些改动是因为忘记了0 0

– Firefighting skill does not enhance the speed of the automatic (golden) fire extinguisher

– new Chinese premium vehicles in near future? “If we decided to implement, I’ll tell you”

– more models for destroyed tanks are planned

– gold consumables for silver confirmed (unknown ETA)

– no extra balancing for platoons planned (SS: for example matching of tiers, so both team has platoons with same tier vehicles)

– according to SerB, the most common battle result is somewhere between 15:7 and 15:9
SerB说,大多数的战果都是15:7, 15:8,15:9来着!

– Soviets won’t get a special branch of vehicles constructed by N.Astrov (SS: T-30,60,70,80,SU-76M, ASU-57, ASU-85, but also the ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” and others) because there wouldn’t be enough vehicles for such a branch
苏系不会有一条基于N.Astrov的特别线路(SS:T-30, T-60, T-70, T-80, SU-76M, ASU-57, ASU-85, ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” 和其它的),这条线的车不够多

– the frequency of spot checks will possibly be increased, but SerB states the algorithm is quite requiring server-wise

– SerB states there won’t be an option for a player to see who added him as a friend (friendship in WoT is not symmetrical, eg. a player can add you but you don’t have to add him). There will however be a function that will allow you to accept private chats only from people in your friendslist

– T-60 and T-50-2 are in two different branches, the introduction of T-60/70/80 will not influence the characteristics of T-50-2
T-60 和 T-50-2不在同一条分支上,新来的T-60,T-70, T-80不会影响502

– guns with muzzle brake reduce camouflage of the vehicle more than guns without it when shooting (they will demask you more)

– you get extra XP for base capture points you accumulated even if the battle ends by destroying the enemies, you get this extra XP for capturing enemy base even if the enemies capture your base first

– IS-7 will get a buff (“let’s wait for test with details”)

– there won’t be any “East Germany” (DDR) premium tanks for now – but if there ever are, it will most likely be T-34/85 premium (T-55 is tier 9)

– the map in the Development section scheduled for 8.5 is the Pearl River
0。8。5制作中的地图名字叫做: Pearl River -珍珠河 = =!


– there will be no special game mechanics for semi-AP marine shells

– ejector graphic (cleansing of the barrel after each shot) might be implemented (SS: some modern guns have it), SerB thinks he actually implemented this already for some tank in WoT

– SerB says that the Designated Target perk works 15 degress from the barrel (SS: official description is 10 degrees)

– apparently, Brothers in Arms does influence the Designated Target perk

– MTLS-1G14 is not planned to appear on Russian (or EU) server

– 2 HE shell non-penetration hits in a row can kill off the entire crew (SS: the “no more than half a crew dead with one HE shell” rule applies only to one shell, not two shells in a row, plus a penetrating HE hit can kill off the entire crew completely)

– AMX-ELC can get to tier 5-9 battles

– SerB states there aren’t any blatant spots on the Abbey maps where tanks would get stuck often

– Ram II is placed in the US tree because it uses American chassis and was co-developed by Americans, it won’t be moved to the UK branch

– according to SerB, the Swedish possible heavy candidate KRV tank weighted 45 tons (SS: a player claimed it actually weighted 28 tons, my bet would be that the player confused the projected weight with the weight of the turretless prototype chassis that was actually made)

– SerB states that the incoming camouflage system change is connected with the camo having too little effect on large vehicles

– coniferous trees crowns (the large parts, near the ground) do act as bushes, when it comes to camo calculations

– according to SerB, the BT “Christie” turret is historical

– a player with hightier tanks can very rarely drop into the Province map – this happens when press accounts are present in the battle, they circumvent the regular map limitations (they can pick which map to play apparently)

– T23 won’t return in forseeable future

– T-50-2 confirmed to be removed out of the game. The tank that will replace it will be transferred to tier 6, but this is not connected with the T-60/70/80 introduction (eg. won’t happen in 8.5)

AMX-30? “no comment” AMX-30? 答:我先去喝一杯


 – SerB states that (SS: unlike the accuracy), the penetration value within the 25 percent from average is distributed randomly (SS: in other words, with average pen 100, you have the same chance to get 78 pen and 100 pen, the average value is not advantaged anyhow)

– Q: “Everybody knows that fire in a tank is the worst thing that can happen! For the crew and the vehicle too! But I noticed that the fire in game doesn’t hurt the crew! Do you plan to finish/fix this in the future?” A: “Everybody knows that stupid questions in this topic is the worst thing that can happen! For those who answer the questions and have to wade thru sea of stupid questions too. But I noticed that most of those who ask don’t read previous answers and post stupid questions! Do you plan to finish/fix this in the future?” (SS: the answer is – the fire doesnt kill crewmembers because the vehicle would become too crippled and unplayable after a fire)

– Q: “I wonder why enemies, that are 650-700m away from me are not displayed?” A: “I wonder why despite the fact I hand out bans to those who ask stupid questions doesn’t the stream of them dry out? Maybe I hand out too few bans?”

– Brothers in Arms and Adrenaline Rush effects are completely sufficient according to SerB
SB说其实新出的技能里,就练基友连和破釜沉舟这两个技能足够了- -!

– it’s possible that the changes to the camo system will be substantial

– only one player per battle can get the Sniper medal

– ARL V39 TD has one visibility checkpoint on the top of the miniturret on the hull – if it peeks above a bush, the vehicle will get spotted
ARL V39是个苦逼的孩纸,多出来的小炮塔要多算一个点亮检测点! –所以注意要把2个炮塔都躲好哦!

– apparently, a new shell (penetration) model is being worked on, it will be a complex thing, the “gold T5 derp” issue will be handled as a part of it

– there will be patches 0.8.5, 0.8.6, 0.8.7, 0.8.8, 0.8.9 before 0.9.0 (eg. the camo re-work is a 2014 thing)
0。9。0之前我们会有085,086, 087,088,089四个更新(总之隐蔽机制重做也要到2014年去了)-目测090改隐蔽机制?

– Storm will tell soon, how the “new model of the game” will look (SS: unsure what this means, but something big is coming)
Storm 以后会告诉我们游戏的新模式如何(SS: 我也不确定他的意思,不过应该是大卫星)—不就是历史站-》车库站么?


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