Kranvagn: Swedish heavy tank development(机动吊车——瑞典重坦开发计划)


Author: Sp15


Hello everyone,

today, I have a guest article from you from player sp15 (US forums), dedicated to Swedish heavy tank development. Enjoy!
今天我给大家带来一篇由玩家sp15所写的文章(此人来自美服论坛), 本文主要讲述了瑞典的重坦开发过程。


Recently about 90 pages of information on the Krv project was found by EU and NA player Renhaxue. I’ve myself been working closely with him and I thought we might as well share the information we have now that we have the archived documents.

So without further ado let’s start. After World War Two, Sweden’s tank force had quickly become outdated, the most advanced tank in service was the Strv m/42 which was the equivalent of an early model Sherman, and it was clear that something better was needed. So in 1949, Sweden did set requirements for a new heavy tank. It seems this project was a response to the development of western heavy tanks by the Americans and British and like their heavy tank projects, the main goal was to counter the threat of the Soviet IS-3.
在正式开始之前,请容我做一下介绍。在二战后,瑞典的坦克力量很快的就变得落后了,当时瑞典正在服役中的最先进的坦克是Strv m/42,也就是和M4谢尔曼的早期型号差不多。很明显的是,他们需要一个更好的东西来顶替这辆坦克。所以在1949年,瑞典给新的重型坦克设下了新的标准。这个计划看起来像是对西方国家,例如英国和美国的重型坦克的开发的回应,而且与他们的重型坦克计划相同的一点是,这辆坦克的主要目的是为了对苏联的IS-3所带来的威胁进行反击。

AKV “1949″ SPG
AKV “1949” 自行火炮 

We don’t know exactly how this first 1949 version looked like, but there is a schematic for a SPG based on the Krv, or rather Project EMIL from 1949 (since Krv Aka Kranvagn (“Crane vehicle”) was the cover name for the prototype hull).

Project EMIL, 1951

Then there is a gap in the knowledge of the project until 1951. We have full documentation on the project including schematics from that time. An interesting thing to note is that the hull appears to be largely unchanged from the 1949 SPG.

At this point the projected vehicle was a frontally heavily armoured but still mobile, weighing 28 tonnes, at this point the only armament was a 12cm rifled gun meant to fire heat ammo with a stabilized warhead, although there were plans for a subcaliber shell.
Here are the full stats and the schematics for the 1951 version:

战斗重量: 28吨
总长度: 7.4米
除了炮以外的总长度: 5.8m
宽度: 2.6米
除掉防空机枪以外的车身高度: 2.35米
履带宽度: 0.55米
离地高度(译注:底盘与地面之间的高度,后文不再赘述): 0.4米
乘员数量: 3人

主炮: 12cm 弹夹炮, L/40

发动机:SFA 8 缸
发动机出力: 550马力
推重比:19.5 马力/吨

炮塔侧面厚度:125mm,倾斜 80°
底盘前半段:40mm,倾斜0°, 后半段:15mm,倾斜0°

The next info that we have on the project comes from a 1952 report, by this time it is determined the project should move on and the 15cm smoothbore gun has been chosen as the main alternative for the project with the ability to mount a rifled 10,5cm gun in the same turret as a backup.

There is a lot of talk about possible engines for the project all of which are air cooled American ones ranging from 500 to 810hp and based on which of these engines and which weight limits were to be used, 3 options for the tank are presented. For these, different armour values are discussed for frontal armor (hull lower: 120mm ,hull upper: 75mm, turret front: 140mm) or (hull lower: 145mm, hull upper: 95mm, turret front: 170mm) and side armour (turret/hull) (40/20),(60/30) or (80/40), although the heaviest combination of armour is only deemed viable on alternative 3.

Alt EMIL 1
EMIL 版本1 

Armed with a 12cm gun and using the 500hp engine, this tank can be reduced in size from the preferred alt 2.

This option corresponds with the original draft, it would weigh 29.5-33 tonnes with little to no upgrade potential for the armour.

长度: 6,40m
宽度: 2,84m
高度: 2,46m
乘员数量: 3
推重比: 15,1

极速: 48km/h
地面压力: 1,10kg/cm^2
离地高度: 0.4m
履带宽度: 0,6m
负重轮对数: 6

发动机:AOS-195 (500马力)

主炮: 12cm L/40
射速: 30发/分
载弹量: 28
弹夹装弹量: 14
仰角/俯角: +8/-12

车身装甲: (120/20/18)

Alt EMIL 2
EMIL 版本2 

Armed with a 15cm gun and with 10.5cm as an alternative, using a 540hp or a 665hp engine if possible. Side and frontal armour is upgradeable with the more powerful engine, this is the most realistic and preferred version with a weight of max 38 tonnes.

长度: 6,40m
宽度: 3,00m
高度: 2,56m
乘员数量: 3
推重比: 18,1

极速: 56kph
地面压力: 1,20kg/cm^2
离地高度: 0.4m
履带宽度: 0,62m
负重轮对数: 6 (有采用8对负重轮的图纸)

引擎: AV-1195: (540马力), AVS-1195 (665-668马力)

主炮: 15cm L/40, 10.5cm L/67
射速: 30发/分
载弹量: 24
仰角/俯角: +8/-12

装甲 (炮塔): (170/60/30)
装甲 (车身): (145/30/18)

Alt EMIL 3
EMIL 版本3

Armament same as alt 2, only possible with the 810hp engine, therefore it’s considered somewhat unrealistic. This alternative, while bigger than the first two, has potential to mount the heaviest armour and still reach the weight of only 42 tonnes with a power to weight ratio of around 19hp/t

长度: 6,75m
宽度: 3,05m
高度: 2,66m
乘员数量: 3
推重比: 19,5

极速: 60kph
地面压力: 1,20kg/cm^2
离地高度: 0.4m
履带宽度: 0,62m
负重轮对数: 6 (有采用8对负重轮的图纸)

发动机: AV-1790 (810马力)

主炮: 15cm L/40, 10.5cm L/67

射速: 30发/分
载弹量: 24
仰角/俯角: +8/-12

装甲 (炮塔): (170/80/30)
装甲 (车身): (145/40/18)

Im sad to say we don’t actually have the schematics for these proposals (other than the 1951 version) that should have been in the documents, but the Swedish archive system isn’t very good, at least when it comes to these kinds of things…

Anyhow, the next info we have is from 1955 where there is some concern over the development of the ammunition for the 15cm gun, the 810hp engine has also been procured for study and it provides the base for a Swedish developed engine.
The Swedish engine is able to produce a maximum of 723hp and it is what would have been mounted on the Krv. A prototype chassis is also under construction at Landsverk. Meanwhile, Bofors is asked to reduce the turret armour to (side 70mm)(rear 30mm)(roof 22mm)(bottom 18mm), if necessary for stabilization.
总而言之,我们的下一条信息是1955年的, 在那时对于开发15cm炮的炮弹产生了一些疑问,同时他们也获得了810马力的引擎用于研究,这也为后来他们开发瑞典制造的发动机提供了一定的基础。瑞典的发动机的最大出力可以达到723马力,它应该被安装到了Krv上。一个原型底盘这时也在兰斯韦克制造中。与此同时,博福斯(译注:又译卜福斯,请参照中文维基百科。)公司被要求在需要让坦克保持稳定的情况下,把炮塔装甲减少到侧面70mm–后方30mm–天花板22mm–底部18mm。

Requirements are also made to increase the possible elevation to +10 degrees, which increases the turret weight by 2 tonnes to 17 tonnes. This and other changes makes the tank reach the final weight of 45 tonnes.

Mock up of the 45 tonne Krv

The “Kranvagn” hull with a dummy turret

Next information we have is from 1958, by this point it is clear that the development of the ammunition for the 15cm gun is a complete failure and that the 10,5cm gun isn’t powerful enough. There is serious doubt whether the project should continue and French and English options for armament is discussed, allegedly there was also a proposal to mount a 15,5cm gun on the tank, but this too came to nothing. Shortly after, this the project got cancelled, but it would serve as a valuable basis for future Swedish armored vehicles, such as the S-tank and Bkan 1.
下一条信息是从1958年来的,在这个时候对于15cm的炮弹的开发已经认为是彻底失败了,但是10,5cm炮的火力又不够强大。此时产生了是否要继续进行该计划的重大疑问,同时他们还讨论了使用英国或者法国的主炮作为主炮的方案, 据说当时还有要把15,5cm的炮安装在坦克上的方案,但是最终也没见个影子。不久之后,这个计划被终止了,但是给瑞典未来的装甲车辆的开发打下了坚实的基础,例如S坦克以及Bkan1.
(译注:Bkan1,全称Bandkanon 1,是瑞典的一门自行火炮。服役时间:1967—2003.当时是服役中的最重的自行火炮。曾经创下可以在45秒内发射14枚炮弹的世界纪录。详情请见英文维基百科。) 

It seems clear that the built hull was part of the most ambitious plan EMIL 3, which would have been impenetrable for the IS-3 from the frontal sector with 220-240mm of effective armour. I’d like you to take this with a pinch of salt, but here are my estimated stats for the final Krv model based on what we know:
看起来已经建造好了的车身就是当时最接近成功的EMIL 版本3了,正面装甲的等效厚度达到了220~240mm,一个IS-3已经无法击穿的厚度。以下信息并不完全可靠,只是我个人基于我们所知的信息对于Krv最终版的数据的猜测。

Krv 1958

45 吨
长度: 6,75m
宽度: 3,05m
高度: 2,66m
乘员数量: 3
推重比: 16马力/吨

极速: 60kph
地面压力: 1,20kg/cm^2
离地高度: 0.4m
履带宽度: 0,62m
负重轮对数: 6

发动机: SFA F12 (723hp)

主炮: 15cm L/40, 10.5cm L/67 (有可能是法国或者英国生产的替代品?)

射速: 30发/分
载弹量: 24
仰角/俯角: +10/-12

装甲(炮塔): (170/70/30)
装甲(车身): (145/40/18)

Today, that one prototype Krv hull still exists in the Swedish Arsenalen Museum, but it is not on display. Note that this hull has had 4 of its road wheels removed during suspension tests during the development of the S-tank.
现在,只有一个Krv的原型版车身存于瑞典Arsenalen(直译为:武库——译注) 博物馆,但是它并不对外展示。注意这个版本的车身的4个(亦或是4对——译注)负重轮在悬挂系统测试以及在S坦克的开发时被移除了。

Krv prototype hull today


I’m not going to talk about how the tank could or should be balanced in the game, but I will say that from what we currently known the Krv project can cover tier 8-10 and no known model is viable for tier 7. This means that it would have to connect to another line or that it would be preceded by a Swedish medium line, in any case I hope you enjoyed reading this and i hope it explained the EMIL project to you.

Also please do visit Renhaxue´s blog at if you want to read the latest wot relevant news from the Swedish war archive


Kranvagn: Swedish heavy tank development(机动吊车——瑞典重坦开发计划)》上有2个想法

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