

Source: http://worldoftanks.ru/ru/news/pc-browser/1/17-facts/

Hello everyone,

in the post linked above, WG puts down some of the interesting tidbits you might have not known about World of Tanks. Enjoy!

– while it might seem unlikely, compared to today, this is how hangar looked during the alpha testing stage of WoT

– each tank goes through 21 stages of development, before it appears on supertest server

– the total amount of variables (hp, gun damage etc.) for all the tanks in the game is 37000

– before the game went live, the alpha/beta testers recieved a nice “1st of April” present in form of a BelAZ truck. It was the fastest produced vehicle ever, its creation took 16 hours only.

– French TD AMX AC Mle.48 is historical, it was put together based on numerous drawings (“we are doing everything we can to make things historical”)
法国TD AMX AC1948是符合史实的,这车是基于好多张图纸拼凑而成的(“我们竭尽所能让一切都符合历史”)

SS: The part above is not entirely true. French tank destroyers were introduced in the stage of World of Tanks development, where a lot of vehicles were implemented not as historically accurate, but simply to fit in the game. Unlike now, historical accuracy was secondary and thus we got some really nasty abominations (unhistorical components or Frankenstein tanks such as the pre-change VK3001 and VK3601). Luckily, times changed, but to claim that at that point historical accuracy was a primary concern would be hypocritical.


– the graphically simpliest tank in the game is the Karl. The most complex one is the HD model of the M12 artillery, which will be introduced into the game in one of the following patches.

– the Crusader SP artillery 5.5in vehicle had such a high elevation angle that the hull had to be actually cut so that the recoil of the gun wouldn’t make the gun clip through the hull
十字军SP火炮 5.5英寸炮的仰角太高了,以至于WG必须锯掉车身的一部分以保证炮的后坐力不会使这杆炮插进车身

– untíl the game release, there was a “Traktor” vehicle fighting in battles, which could shoot from the exhaust pipe, that was attached to its side instead of going up. (SS: That’s where the “agrimotor” icon comes from)

– in 2012, the Ratte tank was implemented in the game as an experiment. During the testing, one of the Ratte tanks was destroyed by the enemy and it was then WG discovered that it does not fit the hangar.

– not all tanks make it into the game: the model of FCM F1 superheavy French tank was created, but it never made it.
并不是所有坦克最后都出现在了游戏中,WG曾经创造了法国的FCM F1超重型坦克,但是这辆车从来就没投入使用

– a total of 670 birds are flying over the battlefields. Himmelsdorf has most (29), while Mountain Pass has the least (2 eagles)

– the CW map was (on RU server) started on 10.2.2011 and had 178 provinces. Current number is 948.

– in total, all the provinces on the CW map make more than 500 thousand gold to their owners daily

– the first meeting between developers and players took place in December 2010 and Viktor Kislyi participated. Ever since, 200 thousand people participated in these meetings.
开发团队和玩家之间的第一次会议于2010年12月,而Viktor Kislyi参与了本次会议。至今为止已经有20W人参与了这些会议。

– first WG cybersports championship had 32 teams participating, it was in April 2010 during closed beta test. In 2013 tournaments, 41 thousand teams participated (more than 6 times more than all of English football teams in all of English leagues)

– the first competition on WG portal took place on 23.2.2011 and it was called “Clan Parade”. Ever since, 456 competitions were opened.

– the support center is often asked to restore accidentally sold premium vehicles. As a reason, players very often state that “their cat climbed on keyboard and accidentally sold the tank”



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