【Developer Q&A 】2014/07/22


Ha, after practically half a year, SerB started answering questions! Here’s what he wrote:

– the exact formula of credit gain calculations will not be disclosed

– there is no direct corellation between credit gain and winrate: “Playing to gain maximum amount of money, playing to gain maximum amount of XP and playing for maximum winrate are very different things”

– “Developer diaries” video series was not scrapped

– regarding the new motion physics – “it’s not that far away”

– some variants of the motion physics were scrapped because they were too realistic – “drifts, etc.”

– the developers did expect the “OMG leave it please!!!” reaction on the removal of the football mode

– Football mode returning? “Yea, and also the tank figure skating and battleship synchronized swimming” (SS: as in “no”)

– visual effects of equipment (such as stereoscopic range finder and camo net) were not scrapped, they are “still on the shelf”

– regarding the reduction of 25 percent RNG on penetration: “Until the game release it was 50 percent, we decided not to do it”

– other accuracy nerf variants than reducing the chance of the shell to fall towards the center of the circle were considered

– no plans to allow players to select the voiceover soundset in the game (SS: as in, you wont be able to select specifically German voices in a Japanese tank)

– Q: What will happen to FV215b (120)? A (SerB): “One option is to make the 120mm gun an optional gun for FV215b (183), another is to remove it completely. Also, Chieftain is not 100 percent sure.”

– Q: “Why is the 150mm on WT E-100 overnerfed?” A: “Because it’s right that way” (SS: the player mentions too low accuracy)
问:“为什么WT E-100的150mm炮砍过头了?”答:“因为这么做是对的”(SS:这名玩家提到了精准度过低的问题)

– the cost of all premium tanks is set individually

– apparently the removal of E-50M as such, the switch of E-50 to tier 10 and adding the Turbopanther (SS: Panther with a gas turbine) is still planned

– Object 770 will not be implemented (“it’s clearly a tier 11″)

– developers haven’t found a suitable tier 5 Soviet light tank

– Q: “Many people unlocked FV4202 so that they could get a Chieftain instead!” A:”We didn’t even hint at that. Their problem.”

– “Italian branch” was not scrapped, the rumors from RU forums are false

– Chieftain will apparently not have “195mm turret”, WG has the info about Chieftain prototypes – there is no such turret in there, apparently according to WG sources, maximum thickness of Chieftain turret armor is 150mm (Storm adds that the sources (such as Wikipedia) are incorrect, WG has its own armor thickness sources – people who measured the tank in museum)

– it’s not possible to say, what model of Chieftain will make it into the game, it’s not yet decided

– no plans to buff or nerf T110E5

– T92 Light Tank was never planned for patch 9.3

– there are plans to introduce Valiant and its variants
译注:勇气号,代号为A38,二战期间英国最破的坦克(之一)。设计理念为在尽可能低的重量下拥有尽可能厚的装甲。本车在实验阶段就因为各种问题层出不穷而被叫停。后来曾有计划要制作勇气II号以及重型勇气号,但是均无下文。本车乘员4人,主炮为QF6磅炮,后期换装QF 75mm坦克炮。史实硬地极速是……呃……19km/h。

– made-up Henschel turret for E-100 will not be implemented (Storm: “Because SerB’s Design Bureau works only when there are no other options.”) Storm explains:

“For example, we are making a branch and in it we are missing a tank. And there is no info anywhere about a vehicle, which would fit. In such cases, we make up our own. However, in every case, without exception, we are trying to find something realistic and historical and we deal with made up vehicles only if there are no other options left. In case of E-100, there is no need to invent anything, it already has a turret. Why use a fake? Also, if we buff E-100, it will become overpowered. It is one of the most popular tanks on its tier even as it is.”

– Storm on Chieftain: “Chieftain will not be a medium tank because it goes to the heavy slot. For tier 10 heavy slot there are simply no other options. If there were any, it’s possible we would consider Chieftain for tier 10 medium slot.”

– the reason for FV215b (120) removal according to Storm: “The fewer fake tanks we have, the better” (SS: as you can see, SerB and Storm are clearly not on the same page)

And, for dessert, Tanitha explains Wargaming stance on “Warpack” cheat mod:

The mod has been around for 12+ months.
Its only recently becoming more of an issue, as its use increases.

More players are using it now days, due to its promotion within the forums recently.

Previously the mod was deemed too much hassle for little gain, and barely used.

For example. Based on feedback reports of users.

1. Its a program so comes with the security risk of being a program executable.

2. The program triggers virus scanners, possibly due to it sending the players data back to the programmers. (it at least sends the username back)

3. The program costs $9 per month for membership, per account/server.

4. Reports of the program causing additional crashing.

5. Players permanently game banned for its use.

But to answer your question..

Someone apparently once wrote 10 commandments into a piece of stone, with such things like “thou shalt not commit adultery” from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem to have had much affect.

If you wish something similar in this case, then “Thou shalt not use warpack” is now written into the forums, however once again it will make no or little difference.

Its not about making statements, or writing rules, its about hindering the activity via other means. Of which the primary means is development.

What Wargaming “Asia” will do re the program.

1. Prevent the use of the program when the use of the program is apparent, which pretty much is limited at the moment to the broadcasting of live streams, YouTube videos, self screenshots, etc.

2. Preventing the distribution of the program within the forums, which is easy to do since all programs are prohibited within the forums.

3. Upping the priority of development on the topic, as we do with all matters concerning our player base that requires development.

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