【Developer Q&A 】2014/04/25


Having trouble with graphic settings? Check out Wargaming English guide to graphics (it’s a damn shame this post is so hidden most people would never find it).

For everyone, who missed the whole hotfix mumbo jumbo, I am once again repeating:

– the hotfix enabled the bugged multicore support again. If you have FPS issues after the hotfix, try disabling the core spread option by downloading this file and copying it over the original in World of Tanks folder.

– if you have microlag and FPS issues, be sure to disable triple buffering and Vsync – here’s how. But beware – ANY setting tampering after that will turn it back on, so you have to disable it once again.

And now to QA:

– the amount of artillery on tier 8-10 is stabilized and quite satisfactory

– revamp of light tanks is planned

– autoaim gun direction is calculated on the server

– visibility check points on the tank are defined as such: one is in the front, two on the sides, one on the back, one is the point where the gun is attached to the turret and one is the highest point of the turret

– automatic download of the entire client (which some players experienced with the 9.0.1 hotfix) is caused by the game determining that the client is compromised (SS: this can be triggered by mods, but also by removing some parts of the client)
自动下载整个客户端(部分玩家在9.0.1hotfix中所遭遇的) 是由于游戏发现客户端不完整而造成的(SS:可能由Mod引发,但是同时也有可能是因为移除了客户端的一部分引发的)

Storm explains the mess around the “EnableCPU” multicore load spread parameter (profanities intended, translated from original):

“It’s a really fucked parameter (as in, it was fucked to death already). There are some PC configurations, where enabling it makes the game impossible to play (starting with server disconnects). We fixed almost all these cases before patch release. But not all. After that, we found a few more configurations, where this can happen. Right now, we are investigating it. For them, we will disable this parameter.

As for those, for whom this parameter helps to improve game performance and to reduce lags, we haven’t found a single configuration for now, where disabling it really helps. We have reports on this topic, we have dxdiag and so on, we take the configuration, we build it here completely, we check – and the changes are within margin of error. We checked already several dozens of variants. We haven’t found shit yet. We continue to look and attempt to reproduce the reported situations.

To disable it for all is not possible, because for a lot of people it increases performance.”

– the effects of the turret being ripped off by ammo rack explosion were simplified a bit, they ate too many resources

– SLI will be fixed “at some point”

– AMD Dual Graphics is not supported by WoT

– developers are internally investigating the effect of triple buffering

– Storm won’t disclose what SerB is doing right now (SS: no idea, but SerB has been travelling to Cyprus a lot lately)

– developers now have enough feedback, they are investigating everything (SS: some player reported a lot of microlags on Serene Coast)

– some players report that the game lags when they fire a gun, Storm states that they can’t confirm or replicate the bug

– Storm states that the patch 9.0 came out bugged, because noone really changed the release plan

– regarding delaying the patches for better testing and bug fixing, Storm states that once per 1,5 month is already a “medium” tempo, when comparing to other games, he adds that “it’s not always possible not to rush patch release” (SS: my guess? Producer part of Wargaming is stepping on developer necks to make them keep the tempo, regardless of patch quality)
关于要把补丁间隔拉长,以给测试以及修复bug提供时间,storm表示说和其他游戏比起来,每一个半月推出一个补丁已经算是“中等”节奏了 。他补充说“想要每次都晃晃悠悠的接近补丁发布日期是不可能的”(SS:我个人的猜想?WG的制作人那边天天拿枪顶着开发团队的脑袋让他们跟上节奏,而不去考虑补丁质量)

【Developer Q&A 】2014/04/25》上有3个想法

  1. 我的电脑上,在近距离观察有高清模型的坦克的时候有可能闪退……为这事我好几天没开地狱猫了……

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